For a long time it was an axiom that there would be no winners in the global nuclear confrontation, that it was a one-way ticket.

But gradually and imperceptibly, this seemingly unconditional truth was blurred, moreover, consciously.

First, the vanity of the "winners" of the Cold War, who fell into the euphoria of their own greatness and infallibility.

Then the expansion of NATO, which, although the brain atrophied, but the alliance frantically clutched at life and clung to existence, which, perhaps, can be explained only in a situation of serious confrontation and tension.

This reality has been created.

The United States also rocked the ABM treaty, and then withdrew from it, which created the illusion of gaining an amulet-umbrella that could nullify the opponent's nuclear potential.

In parallel with this, a Ukrainian ram against Russia was being prepared ...

They did everything to subdue and establish world domination.

And this is instead of using a unique chance for the world to create a truly effective security architecture.

For the sake of which the USSR crushed itself, and now it turns out that in vain.

The Western world walked along this road of illusions, formulating many assumptions for itself.

And now more and more speculative statements are heard that nothing is impossible, and the death of human civilization in a nuclear conflict is old nonsense.

So Liz Truss keeps talking about readiness to press the button, and responsible Western persons are increasingly talking about such an assumption and dragging humanity to the threshold, the line.

They say this seriously and with anticipation, as if they really want to see what's behind the nuclear mushroom.

I would like to look from my superhuman peak, on which they themselves in their fantasies have hoisted themselves, into the other world, into the apotheosis of war.

And now the abyss peers into them and penetrates into the hearts that call into darkness.

Inertia is created and an extremely dangerous run, which is a little more - and it will be impossible to stop or change the vector.

Running into the abyss

Thus, before our eyes, a utopia of war is being built with the firm conviction that American prosperity was achieved every time the world went into the furnace.

Russia counters the American utopia of war with signals of its determination and appeals to common sense.

He constantly says that the global confrontation is a boomerang that will return and crushingly fall on the one who sent it.

President Putin has to be told this on a regular basis - that "the wind rose can turn in their direction as well."

In the direction of those who are looking for loopholes and assumptions, who are trying to blackmail with nuclear weapons.

We have to remind you that this is not a means of blackmail, but deterrence.

A remedy that can cool excessively hot heads.

The hope that sanity will not completely dissipate under any circumstances.

Here is the deputy head of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Sergei Ryabkov, noted the growing aggressiveness of the American course: the behavior of the States is becoming "more acute and more and more disturbing."

The diplomat notes the American "attempts to mobilize their satellites, their vassals for an even more aggressive, tough confrontation with Russia."

And this is no wonder: almost immediately after the start of the Russian special operation, the West approved the dogma about the need to defeat Russia on the battlefield.

After that, there should be a change of power in the country and its fragmentation.

Everything that was not completed in the 90s and that a new perestroika was supposed to produce.

This is part of the Western understanding of democracy, its defense and assertion, because Russia still does not fit into the standards, does not bend under them and shows its own will, speaks of its national interests, which have already been completely forgotten in Europe.

In the West, they no longer allow the thought of another way to resolve the crisis, and therefore they manage their Ukrainian avatar in such a way that the conflict only grows and moves to a new level.

Therefore, American President Biden defiantly declares his commitment to the cause of "defending and strengthening" democracy.

That does not rule out a big war.

As we know, it is with her that the Western interpretation of democracy is spreading around the world, bringing destruction and many troubles for the sake of a bright American present and future.

Now the States have instilled in their flock a fanatical faith in the need to crush Russia, even at the cost of many of their own hardships and losses.

Hence the increasing degree of aggression of those very satellites, among which, even if reasonable voices sound, they will immediately be lost in the general noisy choir.

At the same time, the United States has put itself in a situation in which it risks practically nothing, but, on the contrary, will acquire many benefits.

In the situation of those same Olympian gods playing and having fun with people, it is often extremely cruel.

Freeze, freeze, wolf tail, or rather, Europe.

For the states, this is only an additional gesheft: the energy market and the Old World, mobilized by aggression against Russia.

It is the same in the economy: America is ready to graciously pump out all the juices from European countries and is already calling for the transfer of the most promising and valuable European enterprises.

In the military sphere, a large bridgehead is increasingly being prepared, while its design is such that it does not in any way affect the States themselves.

With Ukraine, everything is clear: America needs a big, long, bloody and exhausting conflict there, which would preferably spread to the territory of Russia.

Now more and more statements are being made about Russia's alleged plans to use tactical nuclear weapons there.

But this is beneficial and necessary only for overseas provocateurs of this conflict, who saturate it with weapons, as well as mercenaries and instructors.

So the States are planning to localize the global conflict before the confrontation between Russia and Ukraine, and there for them everything will burn with a blue flame.

In this territory, they need only scorched earth.

Even if the bridgehead of confrontation expands, for example, as it happened twice in the 20th century, to the whole of Europe, then this is not a problem.

States may not get down from their top of the world pyramid, not directly intervene, as well as with nuclear weapons, in a conflict.

They will simply hand it over to Europe, as HIMARS is now to Ukraine.

All this creates the illusion of immunity and invulnerability.

Pushing the world into the abyss, they build their island America in the midst of a raging flame, so that after, according to tradition, they again drag chestnuts from the fire and gain benefits for themselves.

They are driving Europe into problems in order to finally tie it up and make it seem like the only way out of the situation is a march to the east.

That's for sure: the whole world will fail, if only the chosen ones drink tea ...

The states, according to the same Sergei Ryabkov, should "cool down and not pump up the situation, not bring it closer to a dangerous line."

Good will?

One can hardly count on this, they did not build their project of a cannibalistic Ukrainian regime there in order to abandon it.

They will be able to cool down in their destructive passion, reaching cloudiness, only if they understand that in the global confrontation they cannot hide anywhere, that it will directly affect them personally.

If they understand that the island of America is just a utopia, giving rise to many illusions, dulling the sense of self-preservation.

This is possible if they move away from their voluntaristic interpretation of democracy as the right to their own arbitrariness to a universal and generally accepted one.

When democracy is equal and sovereign rights for all, and not empty rhetoric that supports the pyramidal construction of the world order.

When among the same satellites there are those who wake up from suspended animation and ask the question: “What are we doing?”

When they understand that the same Ukrainian knot can be untangled and it is not necessary to cut the whole world for this, it is enough to admit one's responsibility, one's obvious guilt.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editors.