Is complaining online a good way to relieve stress?

  Recently, a post-00 post-00 was in a crisis of being fired after complaining about the company in a circle of friends. The incident sparked discussions among netizens. For some young people, complaining about the trivial things in life online is a way to relieve pressure. Therefore, an anonymous Tucao video series represented by "Lemon Head Video" has appeared, which is very popular.

These people who complain anonymously online are also known as Internet "hard learners".

"I have a hard time to share with everyone," is the Internet "hard study" a good way to decompress?

The reporter chatted with Zhang Yan, a member of the Chinese Mental Health Association and a national second-level psychological counselor.

  Yangtze Evening News/Ziniu News reporter

  Shen Zhao


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Why is the Internet "hard study" popular?

  Before starting the chat, you might as well understand what the Internet "hard study" is.

On various video platforms, you may have seen such videos: a dangling big lemon, only human eyes and mouths can be seen on it, the "lemon head" in the video complains to everyone about all kinds of bad, Embarrassing, angry life trivia, "stomp on a friend's toilet seat", "absent from school on the second day of school but I am a teacher", "proposed to the doctor after general anesthesia surgery but my boyfriend is by my side"... After the bitterness, netizens in the comment area laughed together. Such videos are very popular among young people.

  Zhang Yan believes that the popularity of "hard study" on the Internet is inseparable from young people's dependence on mobile phones. "Long-term study and living habits have made mobile phones the most trusted friend in their lives, and mobile phones have become an important part of social life. In reality. For the emotions that are difficult to release in life, a simple, convenient and relatively privacy-protecting way to confide on the Internet has become the choice of young people.”

  This kind of video does have a different kind of charm for viewers. After 00, Xiao Xue said that he especially likes watching the "Lemon Head" video, "Because I don't think people will pretend to be strong, and the real life is revealed under the mask of lemon head. On the one hand." The post-00 student Xiao Zhang himself also shot such a video of complaints, "Although I don't watch it, I still feel that the lemon head video is a very real emotional sharing, and I tried to shoot it myself."

  Internet "hard study" only transfers emotions, and cannot actively solve problems

  In Zhang Yan's view, Internet "hard study" is a process of transferring and rationalizing emotions. "In fact, the more scientific method is to solve problems positively and actively, rather than transforming, replacing or suppressing problems."

  A few days ago, in a post-00s growth program, a post-00s girl thought that her team's live broadcast room had suffered a serious loss of traffic, which was unfair, so she sent Moments to ask private domain users to refund money driven by emotions.

After seeing it, the upper management of the company severely criticized its content as damaging to the company's image, and believed that it was extremely irresponsible to vent personal emotions indefinitely.

As a result, she was in danger of being fired.

Netizens are talking about it.

  Taking this as an example, Zhang Yan said, "We should seek to communicate with the people around us and with the company, not only to allow ourselves to grow, but also to change our unreasonable expectations and unreasonable thoughts. This is what we should do. part."

  We can also see that many videos, pictures and texts that make complaints on the Internet are not really big things. Most of them are trivial things, a small embarrassment in life, a little trouble in the workplace. It’s too hard to endure hardships, such a trivial matter will come out and “sell miserable”, Zhang Yan believes that this is actually related to the difference in personal values, “For example, some young people will think that I have to work hard every day when I arrive at a new company. The unimportant work of delivering tea and running errands for others is suffering by ourselves. This may be because there is no sense of belonging to the new company, and there is no sense of community. We endure hardship for the sake of our own collective better. When we have such a belief, we may This kind of service is valuable." Zhang Yan also gave parents a reference when educating their children: "If you are a parent, it is best to nurture your child from childhood. The sense of responsibility, this home is everyone's home, we must emphasize this point."


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Choose the Right Complainant

  Who hasn't had a few embarrassing incidents in their lives that made them want to find a place to crawl into the ground? Zhang Yan also expressed understanding to young people's behavior of sharing embarrassing embarrassing incidents in their own lives on the Internet to make everyone happy. "When something embarrassing happens to us, whether we choose to let it out or cover it up depends on the individual's tolerance for stress. When the stress is too great for the individual to release and digest, it is actually a good choice to talk about it."

  The way of talking is also different. The reporter interviewed three post-00s: Xiao A said that he usually shared with his good friends, and also made tiktok complaints; Xiao B would complain to his friends and family; Xiao C would choose to talk to himself. He vented his emotions and complained about life troubles on his Weibo.

From the perspective of a psychologist, Zhang Yan gave three sources of people to talk to. The first one is to find someone, "They can be relatives and elders, or they can be their own teachers, and they can seek these life mentors who have richer life experience. help.” The second is to find a close sister-type person, “If there are very caring sister-type people in our life, we can also seek her help, you can establish a good relationship with them, and when you need it , they can play the role of companionship.” The third person to talk to is a psychologist, “We often say that everyone needs a psychologist. Look for some psychology-based majors that can help you do self-analysis. People, adjust their mentality.”

  Regarding how to deal with embarrassing things in life with a better mentality, Zhang Yan also gave some small methods: "The first is to keep learning and improve one's tolerance. What we encounter is for other people. It may really be some small things, we have to stop and think about why this happened, whether it is our own lack of growth or the fault of others or an unavoidable disaster. If it is our own reason, we must think and summarize from the incident In order to avoid recurrence. If it is the fault of others, we must learn to forgive and let go of ourselves. For the inevitable disaster, it will be better to adjust our mentality, actively accept the response, and find a way to solve it.”