"Bracket literature" becomes a popular social language

  Various kinds of literature emerge in an endless stream on the Internet. The recently popular "bracket literature" is an art of speaking that focuses on brackets, which is played by netizens.

For example, the body is average (just eight pack abs); (at the moment) can't sleep, I hope someone can talk (anyone, except those who can't talk)... Netizens who are free to use it as a common social network Language, it is believed that it can ease the relationship between people and avoid unnecessary trouble, but some netizens believe that this annotated "monologue" online literature will bring people a sense of anxiety.

Yangzi Evening News/Ziniu News reporter Zhang Nan

  The focus is in brackets, "bracket literature" has become a popular social language

  Bracket literature is defined by netizens as a kind of literature in which the content in brackets is the key point.

It was originally Versailles bracket literature, that is, putting the content you want to show off in brackets after the text.

On the surface, pretending not to care is actually showing off key information.

Of course, the content in parentheses is not limited to showing off. It can describe objective facts or describe the current mental activities. In short, everything can be put in parentheses.

  Let's take a look at various example sentences from netizens, such as "How can there be (shyly covering his face and stomping his feet)" "Well... good morning (slightly hoarse voice, two hands curled into small pink fists and rubbing eyes)" "Hug (open your arms, pull tightly into your arms)", "are you there (wake up in the library on a sunny day at 28°C, fainted by the heat and don't know what happened)" and so on, those who are familiar with this expression Netizens understand the meaning in seconds, but the feeling of not understanding is inexplicable.

  There are also things such as so-so grades (graduated from TOP5 colleges); English is OK (IELTS naked test 8.5); average body (just eight pack abs) and so on.

In fact, bracket literature puts the focus of discourse in brackets. The content in brackets can be statements of facts and literary descriptions. Some are cute, or it can be a kind of self-bragging, which is suitable for the personality of friends to exchange emotions. interactive way.

  Netizens use "bracket literature" to express their true thoughts and relieve embarrassment

  During the interview, netizens who played with this expression told reporters, "Sometimes parentheses are used to avoid unnecessary trouble." In writing articles or daily communication, in order to make it easier for others to understand the content and situation, it is often necessary to Some words or some things do some necessary explanations and explanations.

For example, when you are insomniac, you can post a circle of friends, "(At the moment) can't sleep, I hope someone can talk (anyone, except those who can't talk)." This does not belong to the comment part of the text, but it is very important. Use parentheses to express.

  Some people concluded that in the process of interpersonal communication, it is inevitable that there will be conflicts with others.

The bracket literature can ease the relationship between people, express each other's thoughts in a suitable and appropriate way, and relieve embarrassment.

  Some people joked, "Is the text in parentheses used for explanations also a kind of literature?" In fact, with the growth of age, sometimes in order to create a better image, sometimes in order to take care of the feelings of others, you need to hide your heart true thoughts, but would like to tell others about it.

At this time, parentheses can allow us to have multiple conversations and expressions of multiple emotions, showing a more authentic self.

  Some fashion bloggers used bracket literature when answering how to choose a suitable necklace when the face shape is not good and the neck is short: "Then you'd better pay attention to the length of the jewelry (the lesson of blood and tears)", in brackets The text implies that he also has such imperfections in appearance, which narrows the psychological distance with netizens.

  In the minds of many netizens, bracket literature really has the function of annotation.

Just like a common situation in history books, sometimes brackets are placed after a certain era to indicate the specific time period of this era, so that readers have a clearer understanding of this era; sometimes they are placed after a certain document, indicating The exact date of publication of this document to avoid confusion with other works.

In WeChat or QQ chat, some users like to use emoticons to express their attitude at the moment. Bracket literature supplements the action and attitude description through text to the words, enhances the sense of picture, makes the characters appear vividly in front of them, and beautifies the image of the characters. Expand character strengths.

  Just like saying "overtones", "pleasant personality" don't worry

  Netizens who like "bracket literature" believe that if you encounter social fear, perhaps a small bracket can solve difficult social problems. Bracket literature not only protects the sensitive sincerity, but also expresses oneself.

However, some netizens expressed "rejection" to this, feeling that they were bewildering, and hoped to quit "bracket literature".

  Why is "bracket literature" popular?

Han Ning, a national second-level psychological consultant, a member of the Jiangsu Nanjing 12355 Psychological Expert Think Tank, and a teacher at Nanjing Transportation Technician College, said that many people in life speak straightforwardly and become straightforward people in the mouths of others.

However, straightforward people often leave others with the cognitive impression of being "outspoken without a heart".

In this case, many people have learned to "fuzzy statements".

The main purpose of the so-called "fuzzy statement" is to express one's own thoughts while leaving room for speech.

The language control center and the writing control center of our brain are two separate parts.

When communicating face-to-face, in addition to the text to be expressed, the tone of voice, tone of voice, and even our body movements will assist in the expression.

When communicating on the Internet, only words are often left, and some netizens choose to use expressions and parentheses to assist in their expressions, saying the overtone of "there is something in the words".

  The use of expressions or parentheses is to hope that the reader can truly understand the meaning of the expressor's heart, which is an implicit expression.

  Han Ning said that many online literatures are popular for a while and will be replaced by new ones, and the same is true of "bracket literature".

But if this happens, you need to take care of your heart: you feel that you use parentheses to express your true thoughts, there is a kind of unease or regret.

This shows that it is a "pleasant personality", and I hope that there will be room for others, but I feel that I should express it directly on this matter, because my own personality makes me unable to express it correctly, so I feel a little anxious in my heart.

  How to avoid such anxiety?

In fact, it's very simple, Han Ning believes, "When we send text messages to each other with emotions, after editing the content, don't send it immediately, you might as well wait for a while to ease your emotions. Think about yourself like this Whether the expression is in line with the true meaning, if you feel it is inappropriate, you can change it and post it again.”