On the evening of September 22, the Information Office of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region People's Government held a press conference on epidemic prevention and control.

At the meeting, Yimingjiang Zari, director of the Civil Affairs Department of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, answered questions from reporters.

  Since the outbreak of the current round of the epidemic, the civil affairs departments at all levels in Xinjiang have comprehensively used various relief policies and measures to ensure the basic life of the poor people affected by the epidemic.

Up to now, a total of 2.572 billion yuan of various relief funds have been distributed.

  The first is to strengthen monitoring, early warning and active discovery.

Use "big data" to regularly compare data and information with 25 departments such as health and health care and medical insurance, and actively identify people with potential difficulties.

  The second is to distribute relief funds in full and on time.

The urban and rural subsistence allowances of 1.807 billion yuan were quickly and fully distributed in the three months of July, August and September.

  The third is to increase the intensity of temporary assistance.

Since August, Xinjiang has implemented temporary relief for 95,000 person-times worth 72.19 million yuan.

  Fourth, actively carry out assistance in kind.

Distributed 15.569 million yuan worth of rice, noodles, oil, vegetables, naan and other living materials to the 216,000 people in need affected by the epidemic.

  Fifth, expand the scope of policy assistance.

In Xinjiang, 8,000 people were newly included in the minimum living allowances, and 286,000 people at the edge of the minimum living allowances were added into the guarantee.

  The sixth is to carry out visits and assistance to the needy people.

It has ensured the life, health and safety of 28,300 service objects in 811 welfare institutions for the elderly and children.

(Zuo Dandan)

Responsible editor: [Liu Pai]