As you have noticed, the war in Ukraine and climate change have had a direct impact on the wallet in recent months.

Commodity prices soar and prices do the same.

Inflation, which stood at 5.8% over one year at the end of August according to INSEE, could continue to grow, particularly in the food sector, which has been more severely affected.

In this context, the organic market, however acclaimed by the French, is also suffering.

Despite producers' efforts not to penalize customers too much, sales are down.

Are you a regular consumer of organic products?

Why ?

Have you noticed an increase in your average basket?

Have you reduced your purchases accordingly?

Do you prefer to go back to conventional products in order to save money?

Should we stay true to organic whatever the cost?

Is organic a luxury that not everyone can claim?

Isn't it more relevant than ever to eat organic given the climate emergency?

Tell us.

Your testimonials will be used to write an article.

Thanks !


Michel-Edouard Leclerc: "Inflation creates enormous frustration among the youngest"


Food: The French budget could jump by 224 euros in 2022

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