China News Service, Nanjing, September 14th: "Eat the meal while it's hot"?

Experts warn against bad habits that lead to 'eating cancer'

  Author Xu Linhua Xu Shanshan

  Many people at the dinner table prefer hot food or even hot food. Should food be eaten "while it's hot"?

Cao Guochun, chief physician of the Department of Oncology at Jiangsu Cancer Hospital (Affiliated Cancer Hospital of Nanjing Medical University), said recently that "eat while it's hot" is the daily eating habit of many people.

However, studies have shown that drinking hot drinks above 65°C for a long time will increase the risk of esophageal cancer. We should be alert to bad habits that cause "eating cancer".

  China is one of the regions with the highest incidence of esophageal cancer in the world.

Data show that in 2020, there will be about 320,000 new cases of esophageal cancer and 300,000 deaths in China, ranking fifth and fourth among all malignant tumors, respectively.

  Cao Guochun said that the early symptoms of esophageal cancer are not obvious, which is also the reason why most patients miss the early detection, so that once symptoms appear, it is basically in the late or middle-late stage.

"Most patients only go to the hospital when they are blocked by eating, so they are diagnosed. At this time, it is often in the middle and late stages. The early diagnosis and early treatment rate of esophageal cancer is only about 30%." Cao Guochun said that esophageal cancer is more "favored". "Men, it's related to men's living habits.

Smoking, drinking, especially high-concentration liquor, are high-risk factors for esophageal cancer.

  Cao Guochun reminded that high-risk groups such as those who have a family history, love to eat hot food, pickled food, and drink high alcohol, must have regular gastroscopy examinations after the age of 50.

In addition, once you have a choking feeling when eating, accompanied by symptoms such as chest pain, chest tightness, and chest discomfort, and the symptoms last for a long time, you must pay great attention and seek medical attention in time.

To prevent esophageal cancer, in addition to avoiding the above-mentioned high-risk factors, it is necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle, carry out appropriate exercise, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, ensure adequate rest, and maintain a good mood.

  "The most important thing to improve cancer survival rate is early diagnosis and early treatment. This is very important for the treatment and prognosis of patients, so everyone should pay special attention to their own health." Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice President of Jiangsu Cancer Hospital, Chief physician Zhang Qin pointed out that the reason why esophageal cancer is difficult to detect early is because the diagnosis mainly relies on gastroscope examination, and many people are afraid of gastroscope examination, and seldom include gastroscope examination in routine physical examination.

  Zhang Qin believes that whether the 5-year survival rate of a certain tumor can finally reach the ideal state must be attributed to early diagnosis and early treatment.

Implementing the concept of early diagnosis and early treatment will certainly greatly improve the 5-year survival rate.

For example, with the popularization of chest CT examination in physical examination, early lung cancer can be detected and treated in time, and the 5-year survival rate has increased to 90%. "According to the national and provincial cancer prevention and control action plans, cancer treatment is a whole process, including popular science. With publicity, early diagnosis and early treatment, standardized treatment, and follow-up management, 150,000 patients in Jiangsu have been included in the follow-up management, and the whole process of management has been carried out, so as to improve their survival rate and quality of life.” (End)