Abu Sitta devoted his life to the Palestinian cause and adopted its history in the pre- and post-occupation phases. He lived the Nakba in 1948 and lived through it. His childhood memory, which did not comprehend what happened, prompted him to write and search for the enemy who came from far off seas to usurp the Palestinian land and kill and displace its people.

He set out on the mission of searching for Palestinian documents from Britain, then went to France, Germany and the United States of America, and his efforts continued for many years, but it paid off by obtaining photos and documents proving the history and identity of Palestine. He reveals that he obtained 5,000 aerial photographs of Palestine from British documents.

Abu Sitta - who was a guest on an episode (9/11-2022) of the "Al-Muqabala" program - says that, through research and investigation, he came to know the names of the officers who robbed their land, who are German, Russian and Ukrainian, and was able to know their origin and history. 

It is reported that two incidents prompted him to document Palestinian history. The first was that the British told him when he went to them that there were no documents about Palestine, and the other was to register him as a person without a homeland in his British residency card.

Abu Sitta explains how European countries conspired against Palestine, which was part of the Islamic Ottoman Empire, by planting the myth that it was a land without people to justify the expulsion of Jews from Europe.

He asserts that although these countries know that Palestine is inhabited because they were sending travelers and spies, they turned it into a land without people to uproot the Palestinians from their land, and on the basis of this proposition was the ominous Balfour Declaration.

Ironically, France agreed that Palestine was a land without a people, but the French thinker and explorer Victor Goran composed 6 volumes of Palestine in 1850.

11 wars waged by Israel against the Palestinians

Abu Sitta reveals that the British Prime Minister Arthur James Balfour at the time was responsible for issuing a law preventing the entry of European Jews into England, and therefore he found the opportunity to get rid of the Jews and send them to Palestine, to establish a Western colony that supports Western influence in the region.

In the same context, the Palestinian engineer asserts that Zionism did not ask Palestine to be a land for the Jews and tried to choose Sinai, but the British authority that was ruling Egypt advised them otherwise on the pretext that they would become Ottoman citizens, and among the areas that were designated for Jewish settlement there are Russia, Argentina and Africa, in addition to Sinai .

On the other hand, Abu Sitta - who is the head of the Palestine Land Authority - confirms that Israel has waged 11 types of war against the Palestinians other than military war. There is a blurring of the victim's narrative, as it committed massacres against the Palestinians without being held accountable and punished.

There is the obliteration of history and textbooks, for Israel does not mention anything about the previous two thousand years from the days of our Lord Jesus Christ to the Arab and Islamic existence, and there is also the obliteration of geography, as there are atlases containing 55,000 names of Palestinian places, but the occupation obliterated them and replaced them with 6800 Israeli names, and there is a war of heritage Through which Israel is working to destroy antiquities in Palestine or to Judaize them.

There is also the political and legal war. All the decisions that were issued in favor of the Palestinian people were vetoed by America and the European countries, in addition to the economic war by turning the West Bank into an economic colony.

As for the other war that Israel is waging against the Palestinians - according to Abu Sitta - it is the slow medical annihilation war, in which it focuses on targeting young people who participate in the demonstrations on the armistice line in Gaza by sniping their knees until they are rendered helpless.

On the other hand, the son of Beersheba in southern Palestine blames the Oslo Agreement for the situation in Palestine, describing the agreement as a greater and more dangerous crime than the Balfour Declaration, because the Palestinian position in the previous stages was against Zionism and demanded the right of the Palestinians to their homeland, and it was part of the Arab fabric. And that the Palestinian people did not agree with it and its results, and the disasters as a result of Oslo have accumulated until today they have reached a point where the torrential rain has reached.