Current podcasts

This type of political podcast is now available at all major media houses anyway: Det politika spelet (SR), En runda till (Aftonbladet), Politiken (SVD), Politikrummet (Expressen), etc.  

The political reporters and commentators go here through the week various plots and scandals with the ambition to get behind the scenes of politics and politicians.

Preferably with a bit of humor and a personal appeal.  

Which is the best then?

You probably have to decide for yourself - it's so much about whose relaxed attitude you like best. 

Privatization and freedom of choice

The podcast "Welfare Billionaires" from Dagens Nyheter is a classic reportage, albeit in audio form, about the privatization of Swedish welfare.

In three episodes, reporter Björn af Kleen meets three different entrepreneurs: Ilja Batljan, who buys community properties to rent them back to municipalities and regions;

Peje Emilsson independent school ideologue and independent school owner and Martin Lindman who helped create the online doctor boom.

In parallel, the political events that led to today's situation are retold and experts argue for and against the issue itself.

Good elaboration on a conflict-filled election issue, but there is a little more to be desired in terms of production.   


It is easy to feel a little disillusioned by an election campaign full of pretences, promises, advances and strategic triangulation.

Then it can be nice to wash away the contemporary excitement with a special investment from the Philosophical room: "The political room".

There, philosophers, historians of ideas and political scientists go through different ideologies: conservatism, nationalism, socialism, liberalism, populism and eco-philosophy.

Suddenly you see that the politicians probably want something more than just reaching power.

A rather liberating discovery, which all too often disappears at the end of an election campaign.