The Drôme prefecture said on Wednesday that a wolf had been shot overnight from Saturday to Sunday in Crest.

This is the fifth animal of this species killed since the beginning of the year on the departmental territory.

It was wolf hunting lieutenants who killed him, reports France Bleu Drôme Ardèche.

The slaughtered animal, a male, was targeted by the specialists at the very moment when he attacked a herd of sheep.

The wolfing lieutenants were on the land of a breeder whose animals had already been attacked six times by a predator since the beginning of 2022.

A reinforced defensive shot

The operator had seen 20 of his animals die in eight months.

To kill the wolf, officers fired a heavy defensive shot.

The targeted canine is the 86th to be shot this year in France.


Drôme: A wolf killed by defensive fire for the third time since the beginning of the year

A wolf devours a sheep near the houses of a village in Drôme

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