Recently, in a gallery in the center of Moscow, Alexander Yegorov, a well-known Russian painter and corresponding academician of the Russian Academy of Arts and Culture, held the opening ceremony of the classic retrospective exhibition "Abundant Matter and the Vast World".

  What are the similarities and differences between Eastern and Western painting art in terms of concepts and techniques?

How do you view the inheritance and innovation of painting art?

How to realize the integration and development of art under the difference of Eastern and Western thinking?

Yegorov accepted an exclusive interview with China News Agency's "East-West Question".

  [Concurrent] Alexander Yegorov, a well-known Russian painter and a corresponding academician of the Russian Academy of International Culture and Arts

  This exhibition is titled "Abundant Matter and the Vast World", which means that our current material situation is rich and abundant.

However, from a macro perspective, within the framework of the universe, the world is interesting and absurd, so I often depict such scenes in these paintings.

  【Subtitle】How do you view the tradition, innovation and diversity of painting art?

  [Concurrent] Alexander Yegorov, a well-known Russian painter and a corresponding academician of the Russian Academy of International Culture and Arts

  I think it's very important to try to connect different schools, different traditions, to combine with each other.

As a result, the Russian School of Art came into being. As a part of the tree of art, it developed in the Greek classical tradition and the European classical tradition. During the two hundred years, Russian artists traveled, sketched, copied, and learned from their predecessors.

Thus, a very strict and clear school of Russian art came into being.

  In the world, including Russia, a new direction has emerged - looking for something new and original.

This led to the emergence of styles such as postmodernism and conceptualism.

That said, we started looking for something, something original, something out of the ordinary.

The more we break the rules, the more it is a transfer of beauty, a search for beauty.

The more you break the stereotype, the more you can enter some unknown areas.

  [Subtitles] What do you think of traditional Chinese painting art?

  [Concurrent] Alexander Yegorov, a well-known Russian painter and a corresponding academician of the Russian Academy of International Culture and Arts

  The attitude towards beauty in Chinese art is absolute, nothing is more important than beauty itself.

Even time loses its meaning in the presence of beauty.

Therefore, when we see the works of Chinese artists, for example: depicting specific seasonal, such as geese.

I really like Fan Kuan's geese, they convey a specific time period - autumn.

  [Subtitles] How do Chinese traditional painting art and Russian painting art influence each other?

  [Concurrent] Alexander Yegorov, a well-known Russian painter and a corresponding academician of the Russian Academy of International Culture and Arts

  In this painting, perspective is also used.

Through an unusual broken perspective, an unusual perspective for our space.

The children in the painting are collecting treasures, which is an allegory that only pure souls can find the most valuable and precious things in this world.

It's like searching for pearls.

This is the influence of Taoism.

This is what I learned from the thoughts of ancient Chinese philosophers Confucius and Laozi.

I was influenced by traditional Chinese Confucianism and Taoism.

This painting was created when I was in China.

  I want to express that many Chinese artists come to the Academy of Fine Arts in St. Petersburg and Moscow to exchange and study, and they bring the knowledge and experience they have learned here back to China and continue to develop.

Traditional Chinese painting, which has attracted more and more Russian artists, is very striking and has had a huge impact on Russian thought, tradition and Russian artists.

(Reporter Tian Bing produced Li Jiali)

Responsible editor: [Li Ji]