Sánchez's Hispano-American tour, accompanied by executives from leading companies in our country, is a good idea.

It is always convenient for a Spanish Prime Minister to strive to strengthen historical

, cultural and economic ties with countries such as Colombia, Ecuador and Honduras, the three stops on this presidential trip.

In all of them and in others in the area, Spanish companies have strategic interests that not only result in their benefit but also in the development

or the economies in which they operate.

But in recent times, Latin America has not experienced its best institutional moment.

The advance of populism destabilizes the region

, which seduces electorates on the back of an iconoclastic indigenism that completes its traditional hatred of the United States with a new-fangled Hispanophobia, a local version of woke identitarianism.

Populist leaders stir it up to divert attention from domestic problems and their incompetence to solve them.

It causes nostalgia to remember the time when Spain was offered as an indisputable example, with a exemplary process of transition to democracy studied throughout the world, particularly in America.


it was the Spanish left itself that worked hard to undermine here and there the consensus of the Transition

, so now we collect the sown self-hatred.

The cultivation of relations between Spain and the Latin American nations, abandoned for too long, has become rarefied.

The memory of that success that was Expo 92 in memory of the fifth centenary of the Discovery has passed without pain or glory for fear of offending those who live offending themselves;

too many times the delusions of the Mexican López Obrador found silence in response from our Ministry of Foreign Affairs;

the rudeness to Felipe VI

they are on their way to turning each visit into a childish occasion for defiance;

and the funny episode of Bolívar's sword was quickly exploited by that Trojan horse of the Bolivarian autocracies called

paul churches

, with which Sánchez formed the current Spanish Government.

There are plenty of reasons to be skeptical about Sánchez's effectiveness in securing investment and protection for our companies in the Americas.


it is not coherent to agree with the populist left and travel at the same time with the directors of large companies

whom that same populist left put on the target.

It should be remembered that up to four populist presidents expressed solidarity with Iglesias on a social network when he unleashed his campaign of victimization against the media and the sewers, which in his imagination are the same thing for the sole reason that he cannot control them.

In Colombia, President Petro awaits Sánchez, who is torn between being one more of the Bolivarian axis, unfortunately for Colombia, or responsibly undertaking a turn towards a certain social-democratic moderation.

And in Ecuador, Lasso is the last checkpoint of the institutionality that suits business activity.


the illiberal power commanded by China and Russia is taking over

of the influence in the zone that should correspond to Spain, fasting of a State foreign policy.

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