The facts confirm that Morocco continues to use

illegal immigration as a weapon against Spain

every time it glimpses the possibility of achieving some political or economic gain.

It seems that Rabat will continue perpetrating this blackmail regardless of the pacts it reaches with Madrid, taking advantage of the fragility of a fractured government, incapable of even agreeing with its partners on a common foreign policy.

Proof of this is that this summer -and before the imminent negotiation

to renew the agreement by which the Alawite country could receive from the EU up to

500 million euros to contain the migratory flow to Europe

- In most of the border points with which this newspaper has contacted, there is a rebound in the arrival of canoes;

several of them arrived in Lanzarote coinciding with the president's vacations there.

Morocco sends a

clear message with your blackmail


If it does not bow to their interests, Spain will continue to be exposed to receiving migratory avalanches that could saturate its reception capacity and destabilize coexistence at destination points.

It is the strategy that

used in retaliation for Sánchez's decision

to bring to Spain -without passport control and with false documentation- Brahim Ghali, the leader of the Polisario Front, at which time our country registered an increase in illegal immigration from Morocco of 44% compared to the previous year.

And that is what he is doing again now, despite the fact that Sánchez has surrendered the Sahara to Rabat with the historic and inexplicable decision to break the neutrality that Spain had maintained for decades regarding the future of its former colony.

This swerve has also earned us the

algeria feud

, which has frozen its preferential gas sales agreement to Spain and its collaboration on migration issues.

It is essential that Pedro Sánchez explain

the terms of the agreement contracted with Mohamed VI

from the letter of surrender that he addressed to the Alaouite sovereign after the crisis generated by the

ghali case


For now, and with no other effect than the resumption of diplomatic relations and a calculated decrease in the irregular migratory flow - the customs office remains closed due to a unilateral decision by Rabat -, everything points not to a pact between equals but to

an unconditional surrender by the Spanish president

in order to avoid the political wear and tear caused by the diplomatic crisis with Rabat.

still to be specified

what Spain gained with the cession before the Moroccan king,

but in exchange it has lost the relationship with Algeria, on which Spain depends on becoming the great gas distribution hub for Europe.

It is imperative that

the Government asks Europe for greater commitment

with the control of our borders, since they are the gateway for illegal immigration, which is then distributed throughout the countries of the entire EU.

That claim requires a leadership that certainly is not consolidated by applauding Morocco's brutal methods on the border.0

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