If the new display of cynicism revealed by the

ad hominem

campaign launched by the government against the opposition leader were not worrying, it

would even be comical


That Pedro Sánchez and his ministers, in a perfectly orchestrated maneuver -Bolaños, Alegría, Morant, Calviño...-, come out in a rush to try

to hang Alberto Núñez Feijóo the sanbenito of trumpista

with the excuse of the renewal of the General Council of Power Judiciary is pretty amazing, coming from someone who has done

or the challenge to Justice a brand of style.

An unprecedented populist stamp, understanding populism as the

subordination of institutional counterpowers to personalism


So the president who pardoned those convicted of sedition against the Supreme Court's criteria out of pure political interest, who appointed his minister as state attorney general, who governs systematically by decree, who accepted the unconstitutionality of his two states of alarm, who received for the first time a condemnation of the Electoral Board for mixing partisanship with the State, which shackles or frees the magistrates to make appointments based on their ideological benefit and which has plunged Spanish democracy into accelerated institutional degradation -colonizing by hand the maximum number of public organizations with co-religionists and friends - it is allowed to say that the trumpist is Feijóo.

Just because he leads the polls.

Beyond the

nervousness and confusion that betrays the strategy

of turning to oppose the opposition instead of focusing on the governance of an economy in growing trouble, the attempt to push Feijóo's PP out of constitutionalism is ridiculous on the part of one who governs with two declared enemies of the Constitution like Bildu and ERC, before which he never tires of

cede institutional ground, powers, privileges and investments.

Now, in its plan, the Government is counting on the invaluable and enormous help of

a member of the old leadership of the PP,

that out of resentment or retaliation he does not deprive himself of feeding in media related to Moncloa an argument that they believe is harmful to Feijóo and that in reality only points out his infinite clumsiness, the same one that was about to end the systemic acronym of the center-right.

Because it takes infinite clumsiness and childish narcissism

to sign secret pacts with Sánchez that contradict your public position

-depoliticize Justice- and pretend that they remain in force for the direction that inherits your disaster.

Precisely the party saved itself when it precipitated a historic crisis in order to dislodge Casado's leadership, with whom Sánchez was so comfortable.


Feijóo will do well to resist Sánchez's crude pressure

and of its media terminals, because its public position -without opaque clarifications- is aligned with the claims of Europe: to link the renewal of the CGPJ to the change in its election system.

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