Since July, Chongqing's high temperature has been brought online frequently. The highest temperature in many districts and counties has broken the historical high temperature record for the same period, and the city's average temperature has even matched the historical extreme value for the same period.

According to the weather forecast of the Municipal Meteorological Observatory, the continuous clear and high temperature weather in Chongqing will continue until late August.

When will it rain?

become a topic of public concern.

It is understood that, in fact, Chongqing has already made preparations for artificial rainfall. However, everything is ready, only the clouds are owed.

Because not all clouds have rain potential, so just wait.

Chongqing has made preparations for artificial rainfall

  Yesterday entered Mofu, which means that the 40-day dog ​​days are about to pass.

Since July, Chongqing's high temperature has been brought online frequently. The highest temperature in many districts and counties has broken the historical high temperature record for the same period, and the city's average temperature has even matched the historical extreme value for the same period.

Especially in the middle of this year, Chongqing has been on duty for 20 days of high temperature, and it is expected that until August 23, Chongqing will still maintain a wide range of high-intensity and high-temperature weather.

After August 23, the high temperature weather will continue, but the extreme high temperature is slightly lower than the previous period. The daily maximum temperature in most areas is 35-39 °C, and the local temperature is above 40 °C.

In addition, according to the city's soil moisture monitoring, the average soil relative humidity of the soil cultivation layer (0-20 cm) is 45.5%, reaching the moderate drought level.

Some citizens will ask, since the high temperature weather will continue, and the drought and little rainfall, why not artificially increase the rainfall?

The answer is yes!

  In order to cope with high temperature and dry weather, the Office of Chongqing Weather Modification Headquarters recently issued the "Notice on Further Improving Weather Modification Services". At present, 266 operating points, 107 anti-aircraft artillery pieces, and 96 rockets in Chongqing are on standby. 1 More than 10,000 anti-aircraft artillery shells and more than 900 rockets have been deployed in place, and nearly 600 operators are on standby at any time. All localities have made various preparations for artificial weather modification operations and services, and will wait for opportunities to carry out artificial rain enhancement operations according to weather conditions.

Artificial precipitation is not "increase as much as you want"

  The equipment is also ready, is it possible to artificially increase the rain immediately?

In fact, artificial precipitation is not "increase as much as you want", it needs to meet the corresponding conditions.

In this regard, the staff of the China Meteorological Administration gave a professional answer.

  At present, the artificial precipitation method is mainly aimed at the target cloud system, choosing the right time, and spreading silver iodide, dry ice, salt powder and other catalysts into the cloud through rockets or antiaircraft guns, so as to make the clouds rain or increase the precipitation.

While clouds make rain, not all clouds have precipitation potential.

Only those clouds with abundant cloud water resources, thick cloud layers (cold clouds should have richer supercooled water areas) and insufficient natural precipitation can achieve good precipitation enhancement effects through artificial catalysis.

"Generally, when the cloud system develops to more than 2 kilometers, and there must be a certain amount of supercooled water (water that does not freeze below 0°C) in the cloud, and the supply of water vapor in the cloud is sufficient and there is an updraft, the height passing through the ground will be high. Cannons, rockets or planes carry the catalyst to the effective part of the cloud, in order to play the role of artificial rain enhancement." The staff of the China Meteorological Administration said.

  At the same time, aircraft, ground rockets, and anti-aircraft artillery for artificial rainfall must first apply for the operating airspace, and launch special rockets and artillery shells for artificial rainfall within the approved airspace time to ensure operational safety.

Only when these are ready, can the artificial precipitation work be carried out smoothly.

  The reporter also learned that recently, the Chongqing Weather Modification Office negotiated with the air traffic control department and approved 12 temporary weather modification sites.

This batch of operation points is specially set up for areas with severe drought and strong demand for forest fire prevention and fire fighting to ensure that shadow operation services can be carried out in a timely and accurate manner.

  Chongqing Morning News · Upstream News reporter Shi Heng