Newsweek丨Frisbee "out of the circle" set off a new outdoor sports fever

  Pick up, dodge, and pass to teammates.

Jump, fall, get up again, and keep the Frisbee from falling while running.

It’s so simple to play and easy to get started with. Whether it’s three or two people or a multi-person group, you can find fun in this sport.

This summer, this little colorful disc flew into the sight of many outdoor enthusiasts.

  Frisbee sports allows men and women to compete on the same field and advocates zero physical contact, thus giving as much fairness as possible to people with disparities in physical strength.

During this period, you can exercise and decompress while running, meet new friends, and expand your social circle.

After get off work on the weekdays, and in the spare time on the weekends, it is the people who live in the city to find a new way to enjoy their body and mind.

  Throwing and catching a Frisbee are the main technical movements in this sport.

When throwing, you need to use the core of the waist and abdomen to drive the upper limbs, and with the cooperation of the shoulders and arms, the Frisbee is thrown.

Li Haohang has been exposed to extreme Frisbee sports since high school, and it has been ten years since then.

The outdoor Frisbee exercise and explanation sessions are fixed three times a week, attracting many "little whites" who want to try it out.

  Frisbee coach Li Haohang: Actually, the rules of Frisbee are very interesting, like a combination of basketball, football, and rugby.

The normal requirement for the field is about 100 (m) x 37 (m). When you get the disc and throw it to your teammates, you cannot walk by yourself. You need to get the Frisbee in the scoring area before it can be regarded as a game. 1 point.

This sport suddenly became popular in China this year, partly because of the epidemic. Many indoor venues were closed, so everyone's choice slowly turned to outdoor venues. Because there was no confrontation, it was an activity that could not only exercise but also make friends.

  In fact, it has been 40 years since the introduction of Frisbee sports to our country, and it has experienced from the participation of a small group to the current popularity.

It is mentioned in the "2022 Youth Trendy Sports Report" that Frisbee, together with skateboarding and urban cycling, ranks high among the trendy sports that young people love.

And "getting to know new friends, expanding your social circle" and "pursuing trends and experiencing new things" are the main reasons why young people love Frisbee.

  This week, on the occasion of the 14th "National Fitness Day", the first stop of the Chinese Frisbee League kicked off in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, attracting 12 teams and nearly 400 participants.

Affected by the epidemic, the game did not arrange for spectators to enter the stadium to watch.

Although the temperature is hot, it can not stop the enthusiasm of the players.

The holding of this first national standard Frisbee event in China also opened the first year of my country's Frisbee event.

  Zhai Yuhong, head of a Frisbee club in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province: My opponents and teammates who participated in the Frisbee competition have a very good fighting spirit.

In the case of high temperature, everyone upholds the spirit of "if the Frisbee does not fall to the ground, I will not give up", which is worth learning from.

  He Yi, Deputy Director of the National Fitness Division of the Social and Sports Center of the General Administration of Sports: my country currently has more than 500,000 people who regularly participate in Frisbee sports, and there are more than 500 communities and colleges and universities that have long-term standardized and organized Frisbee sports.

From the perspective of this league, all the club teams are spontaneously formed by real Frisbee fans, which reflects the broadness and inclusiveness of the audience of Frisbee sports.

In terms of social attributes, it is a sport with in-depth social functions to enhance communication, meet friends, convey healthy and happy emotions, and at the same time, Frisbee sports venues are diverse, low-cost, fashionable and environmentally friendly, making it the most potential for development. national fitness program.