August 15 is the anniversary of Japan's defeat and announcing its unconditional surrender, as well as the 77th anniversary of the liberation of the Korean peninsula.

This period of anti-Japanese history records the story of China and South Korea jointly fighting against the fascist aggressors, and explains the historical truth for future generations to remember.

Why should China and South Korea jointly commemorate the history of the Anti-Japanese War?

What is the significance of commemorating this history?

Recently, Han Shijun, honorary professor of the Department of History at Dankook University in South Korea and director of the Korea Independence Museum, accepted an exclusive interview with China News Agency "East West Question".

  [Subtitles] What is the background and opportunity for the establishment of the Korean Independence Museum?

  [Concurrent] Han Shijun, Honorary Professor of the History Department of Dankook University, South Korea and Director of the Korean Independence Museum

  The opportunity for the establishment of the Independence Memorial Hall was a distortion of the history of Japan's invasion of Korea.

In 1982, Japanese textbooks began to distort the history of Japan's invasion of Korea.

This angered South Koreans and began nationwide protests denouncing Japan's distortion of history.

It was at this time that a proposal for an Independence Memorial appeared.

In order to build the Independence Memorial Hall, people all over the country, young and old, began to raise money for charity.

This enabled the establishment of the Independence Memorial Hall in August 1987.

  [Subtitles] What is the practical significance of commemorating the history of the joint war of resistance between China and South Korea?

  [Concurrent] Han Shijun, Honorary Professor of the History Department of Dankook University, South Korea and Director of the Korean Independence Museum

  In the first half of the 20th century, South Korea and China had a history of fighting against Japan together.

In particular, Japan's aggression against South Korea and China has caused the people of South Korea and China to suffer from the pain of war.

In order to resist the aggression of Japanese imperialism, South Korea and China began to fight side by side against Japan.

In the end, South Korea achieved independence and China also won the Anti-Japanese War.

I think the Independence Memorial Hall should play a role in remembering and commemorating the history of the Korean and Chinese people's joint war of resistance.

Remember and share the historical experience that South Korea and China shared in the first half of the 20th century.

It is also hoped that through this period of history, the common development of South Korea and China will be realized in the future.

  [Subtitles] What kind of cooperation can China and South Korea carry out in dealing with the Japanese right-wing forces distorting the history of aggression?

  [Concurrent] Han Shijun, Honorary Professor of the History Department of Dankook University, South Korea and Director of the Korean Independence Museum

  First, South Korea and China should jointly hold commemorative activities to commemorate the victory of the Anti-Japanese War by fighting side by side between South Korea and China.

Second, there are many historical materials about the Korean-Chinese joint war of resistance, and it is necessary to compile and publish these materials into a booklet.

Third, it is necessary for Korean and Chinese scholars to participate in the study of these histories and produce results.

Fourth, South Korea and China should jointly explore how to contribute to peace in East Asia and the world.

In the face of Japan's distortion of history, South Korea and China should work together to deal with it.

  (Reporter Liu Xu Produced by Liu Yinghan)

Responsible editor: [Luo Pan]