From August 8th to 12th, nearly 30 Taiwanese teachers and students (parents) who taught, studied, worked and lived in Guizhou participated in the intangible cultural heritage training camp sponsored by the Taiwan Affairs Office of Guizhou Province.

  The theme of this event is "Experience the charm of intangible cultural heritage and share the colorful development of Guizhou".

During the activity, the campers went to Pingtang County, Qiannan, Guizhou to visit "China Sky Eye", and under the leadership of professionals, they carried out popular science knowledge learning, used astronomical telescopes to travel the Xinghai Sea, and explored the frontier charm of science and technology; they went deep into Huishui County, Qiannan, Guizhou, In Huaxi District, Wudang District and other places in Guiyang, you can experience the ethnic customs of Guizhou and experience the production of intangible cultural heritage such as Miao embroidery and tie-dyeing; visit the Guizhou Provincial Museum and the Guizhou Provincial Geological Museum to appreciate the unique national culture and geological heritage charm of Guizhou .

  The purpose of the event is to let teachers and students (parents) in Guizhou and Taiwan experience the traditional crafts of part of Guizhou's intangible cultural heritage through various forms such as field visits, teaching, experience and interaction, and experience the charm of Guizhou's national culture and intangible cultural heritage.

(Pu Wensi Long Yanlin)

Responsible editor: [Yue Chuan]