5 minutes


Abdullah Al Qamzi


August 08 2022

Humans tend to be complicated because their minds are trained to ignore simplicity, thinking that it - that is, simplicity - is not a solution. .

I asked a friend: If they lock you up in a room whose door is closed and you have a pick, how will you get out?

He said: I use the pick to break the ground and dig a tunnel.

I said to him: But you are not sure whether the door is locked or if it is only closed.

In order to understand what complexity is, we have to understand two other terms associated with it: simplicity and chaos.

Complexity is something difficult to understand or do, and simplicity is anything easy to understand and do.

As for chaos, it is the confusing thing, for which there is no clear order.

A complex system can only be understood if you look at its complete picture, but you will not understand it if you look at its component parts.

Like a human, you know that this is a man and this is a woman, but if you look at the shape of the cells that make up this creature, you will not understand anything.

When we look at problems, we are biased towards complexity, for example, you find a man who complains about a high phone or electricity bill, but he ignores the unjustified sums he pays for the education of his children.

Marketing experts use complexity to inflate the product to you and buy it. A trained smartphone seller will deliberately mention the advantages of the product in complex language so that you will think that it is unparalleled, and you will miss the idea that what you will buy is an ordinary smartphone, used by the person standing next to you in the store.

Or if you pass in front of a perfume booth, and ask the seller about the good smell, he will tell you the ingredients and how they are mixed in order to justify the high price of a product whose smell may be bored after a week of use.

And it will hide important details from you, such as: Does the smell remain for a long time on the clothes?

Another excellent example of the use of complexity is to consider a simple issue in the following story: a shopper walks into a food market with many slaughtered animals, blood on the floor and a stench in the air.

The saleswoman who slaughtered animals with her hands stained with blood was infected with an unusual animal virus, and transmitted the disease to the shopper.

The disease spread to all parts of the earth, and people refused to believe that a saleswoman transmitted the disease to the shopper, and turned it into a “conspiracy theory” about a secret government that runs the world and wants to enslave people.

And the founder of a software company turned into a demon just because he invested in a medical company.. Do you remember the part of the seller and the shopper?!


A decade and a half ago, I went to an Arab doctor, and told him that I had a high temperature, and this was the third time I had a fever in six months, and I wanted to test my blood to make sure I had an iron deficiency.

He asked me questions about my daily routine, then quickly checked me out, and said go home and take a break.

I told him: Check me first, I have a fever for the third time this year.

He said: I do not need an examination, my brother, do not complicate matters, and they are simple.

You are a man who stays up a lot and does not sleep enough, and this is the cause of fever and exhaustion.

“A complex system can only be understood if you look at its complete picture, but you will not understand it if you look at its component parts.”


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