Yesenin has, in the classic poem "Anna Snegina", the assembled Ryazan peasants in the spring of 1917 ask the author:

"Tell me, what is Lenin?"

I quietly replied, "He is you."

Yesenin, the national genius of Russia, unambiguously stated in his final, summing up poem of 1925, that Lenin was the spokesman for the enormous, spontaneous, terrible will of the Russian peasant, Russia as such.

Yesenin says so, and this, without even taking it for granted, will have to be taken into account.

What is Lenin, I remember, very briefly and very clearly told the right-wing publicist, ideologist and wonderful, the Kingdom of Heaven, a man - Alexander Ivanovich Kazintsev.

He was, I repeat once again, a real Russian intellectual, a direct heir to the classics of Russian Slavophilism, a Russian nationalist.

Lenin, said Kazintsev, showed the world in 1917 that it was possible to challenge the white master.

For the Chinese, the Indians, the Africans, the Asians, the Hispanics, the inhabitants of Oceania — for all the colored, grimy, humiliated and offended, it was a shock.

It was a religious revelation.

They knew from all their history, from centuries of humiliation and slavery, that the white master was invincible.

That he will forever lead you in chains and take the results of your work.

The white gentleman always believed that the Russians were not white at all.

They are white by misunderstanding.

In fact, they are colored, grimy, and certainly not entitled to their too rich land, which the white master should dispose of.

When they say that Lenin destroyed the Russian Empire, this, of course, is a rhetorical figure.

Lenin reassembled the Russian Empire and, most importantly, launched the processes of world decolonization.

Even under Lenin, four other empires collapsed, while he, with extraordinary energy, hemmed the fallen territories to Soviet Russia, and then, in the next few decades, the white gentlemen from London, Rome, Paris, Madrid lost catastrophically to the colored and grimy, losing their colonial acquisitions .

It's all Lenin.

When they strive to marry Lenin forever with Marxist theory, this is only partly true.

Lenin is a world superbrand: he is the father of Che Guevara.

Moreover, the current superbrand is not only the father of Che Guevara, but also the eternal opponent of the white master: Napoleon, Mussolini, Hitler, Biden.

Their battle continues.

Yes, the white gentlemen have learned something - and now, confusing the cards, they can present black Obama as their leader, but this is hardly capable of misleading anyone.

Obama is a white master.

Lenin is a Negro.

Lenin is an Indian, an Indian, a Russian.

Lenin is Chinese, Mongolian, Buryat, Cuban and Venezuelan.

Lenin is a Serb because Serbs aren't real whites either.

Lenin is African.

Finally, Lenin is a Donbass miner.

The fact that the figure of Lenin towered over the first rallies of the "Russian spring" is not at all a historical paradox, but a phenomenon of the true background of events.

Political Kyiv decided to swear allegiance to the white master, committing the Judas sin of the “European choice” and betraying all the colonized.

Naive Kyiv wanted to get an entrance ticket to the number of colonizers of NATO and the European Union, not knowing that the white masters would never accept them as equals.

The political Donbass answered: no, we are different.

After 100 years, first the Donetsk militia, and then the whole of Russia, again appeared in their former capacity: as a force that challenged the globalism of the white masters.

With all this, we certainly must remember not only the decisions of Lenin, which had tragic consequences, but also his Great Russian, noble, imperial, good cynicism: destroying colonialism, he was completely sincerely convinced that Soviet Russia had the right to everything, because she is good.

The scale of Lenin’s imperial attacks, although not always successful, is amazing: he not only set out to return the territories of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus to Moscow’s rule, but also gave orders to take Warsaw, campaigns against Constantinople (realizing Russia’s centuries-old dream) and Iran, in which, let me remind you, another Russian poetic genius participated - Velimir Khlebnikov, who sang the march of the Red Army to the east, to Persia.

Yes, Soviet Russia was too exhausted to immediately realize all these Leninist ideas, but, as one song sang, “you will appreciate the beauty of the game!”.

And Yesenin, and Khlebnikov, and Mayakovsky were able to appreciate it, since then the name of Lenin has also been an integral part of Russian culture.

When Lenin's monuments are destroyed, Russian Soviet poetry, which glorified the worldwide scale of this man, is destroyed along with them.

But if only they!

In the 20th century, the name of Lenin sounded like a password on all continents, desiring freedom and independence from the white master.

Changing Lenin, sung in thousands of multilingual odes, for the ridiculous Johnson, whose time in history is a shameful moment, our misguided brothers behave like historical savages.

After not even 100, but ridiculous 15 years, no one will be able to explain who Johnson is.

Lenin, after 100 years, will stand in the same place: the leader of the Redskins, the superbrand, the hero of Yesenin's poems, the eternal horror of the world bourgeois, the colonialist, the oligarch.

As for the Ukraine “created” by Lenin, for some reason I recall the words of our current emperor, who again challenged the white master.

Speaking about Boris Yeltsin on the eve of the next date of his death, he said: "In hindsight, we are all smart here."

The emperor recalled the catastrophic difficulty of making accurate decisions in fateful days.

Lenin got Ukraine already created by the Germans, Skoropadsky and Petliura, he had to deal with a ready-made construct.

Lenin did not cancel this construct?

But, my friends, did the Russian emperors abolish — cross your fingers — the Kingdom of Poland, the Grand Duchy of Finland, the Khanate of Khiva, the Emirate of Bukhara, the Yakut Region, the Ostsee Territory, the Inner Kirghiz Horde and all other forms of autonomy?

The fact that Georgia was called the Georgian province, and Armenia - the Armenian, also, in fact, did not change anything.

They with the same success separated as provinces, like the Polish kingdom and the Finnish principality.

Alas, both Peter the Great, and Catherine, and Alexander the First also “planted bombs” under the empire, hemmed disputed lands, including Russian ones, to national autonomies, believing that their kingdom was indestructible.

But, alas, these bombs exploded from time to time.

As well as all the current autonomies within Russia, they have not only creative potential, but also sometimes destructive.

Which does not prevent us from observing all this flourishing complexity on the land entrusted to us.

Because we are not white gentlemen.

We are the hope of mankind.

"Tell me, who is Putin? .."

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editors.