How did the prospective college students spend their summer vacation?

Accompanying family members, getting a driver's license, and summer travel are the main arrangements

  85.8% of the prospective college students surveyed confirmed that this holiday is a "critical period for growth"

  University admission notices are being issued in succession.

For prospective college students, this summer vacation is undoubtedly special: say goodbye to busy high school preparing for exams, and welcome a more independent college era.

Halfway through the summer vacation, how are the prospective college students doing?

  Last week, a survey of 2,007 prospective freshmen conducted by the Social Survey Center of China Youth Daily and showed that accompanying family members, taking driver's license exams, and summer trips were the main arrangements for the prospective college students interviewed.

85.8% of the prospective college students surveyed identified this holiday as their "critical period of growth".

  Among the prospective college students interviewed, 9.4% were approved in advance for undergraduates, 47.2% were approved by the first batch of undergraduates, 22.7% were approved by the second batch of undergraduates, and 7.6% were approved by higher vocational colleges.

Boys accounted for 43.3% and girls accounted for 56.7%.

  Accompanying family members, taking driver's license exams, and summer travel are the main arrangements for the interviewed prospective college students during their summer vacation

  Yu Yang, a college student in Zhengzhou, Henan, had a very rich holiday.

His e-book reader has a lot of classic books that he had downloaded but never had time to read. He read a lot this holiday and wrote essays.

Because of the envy of a classmate's good handwriting, he has been practicing Xingkai every day recently.

In addition, Yu Yang has always loved the flute. He hardly had time to play the flute in high school. This holiday, he finally realized the "freedom of hobbies" and he has become very proficient in playing.

"The meals in the cafeteria of the high school are very delicious, and I don't exercise much, so I have gained a lot of weight. Recently, I have been insisting on losing weight, and I have achieved initial results."

  Guo Qingqing is a college student in Shenyang, Liaoning Province this year, and she successfully "goed ashore" to Tongji University.

She bluntly said that she had a very "literary and artistic" holiday this holiday. "I bought an electric piano and practiced against the score every day, making up for the regret that I never learned a musical instrument since I was a child. Now I go to learn dance every Friday. The basics are easy to pick up again. Before high school, I learned to paint in the studio, and these days I have put painting on the agenda again to cultivate my sentiments.”

  In other respects, Guo Qingqing is not idle, "One is to study English in depth, study the roots and affixes, and continue his strong subjects. He also read some English originals. Then, self-study video editing, he has been able to complete some It's a small piece of work, I'm very happy."

  Liu Yuling from Shijiazhuang, Hebei was admitted to a university in the south.

She said that this summer she had a simple and warm life.

"It's hard to have such a long and leisurely vacation after going to college. Recently, I took a driver's license test with two classmates, and I have tanned more than one degree. Because the university is in the south and far from home, I want to spend more time with my family during the vacation. Spend more time chatting with your grandparents, and communicate with your parents about college life and some plans for the future."

  How did the freshmen spend this summer?

Spending more time with family members (44.9%) is the most common consensus among the prospective college students surveyed, followed by driving license exams (40.1%).

Others include: taking a summer trip (38.0%), experiencing social practice (37.0%), reading famous monographs (34.8%), participating in volunteer service activities (32.6%), expanding hobbies (32.3%), and improving personal image , such as teeth straightening, losing weight (25.9%), supplementing dramas and chasing dramas (25.5%).

There are also 5.7% of the interviewed prospective college students who said, "I don't want to think about anything, just enjoy and relax."

  61.9% of the prospective college students surveyed regard this summer vacation as an opportunity to increase their knowledge and broaden their horizons

  Liu Jiachen from Benxi, Liaoning, was admitted to Liaoning University of Science and Technology and is about to major in law.

She feels that this holiday has a lot of opportunities to choose and play independently, and it also allows her to grow.

She defines this holiday as "youth that never ends". "Although many people say that the end of high school represents the end of youth, I don't think so. I want to continue the dedication and enthusiasm of countless days and nights in high school to the future. Everyday in study and life”.

  Guo Qingqing said that she was freed from the high-pressure state of preparing for the college entrance examination and entered a new world. Many things that she had no time to contact before can be tried, full of unknowns.

"This holiday is more like an exploration period, enriching my hobbies, thinking about future career plans, and exploring more possibilities."

  Su Junyang, a professor at the School of Education Management of the Faculty of Education of Beijing Normal University, said that the high-intensity test preparation life in high school has compressed many of the students' communication space with their families, relatives, friends, and partners.

"Taking advantage of the holidays, students can visit teachers, greet relatives, and have long conversations with friends. This will make their holiday life more fulfilling and happier."

At the same time, he also suggested that reasonable arrangements for outdoor sports, independent reading led by interest, and participation in social practice can all be important contents of this holiday.

  What do you think of this special summer vacation?

61.9% of the interviewed prospective college students thought it was a period of dabbling to gain knowledge and broaden their horizons, 49.2% of the interviewed prospective college students felt that it was a warm period to accompany their family, relatives and friends, and 48.7% of the interviewed prospective college students regarded it as a period of preparation for entering a new stage of life. During the energy storage period, 43.2% of the interviewed prospective college students thought it was a farewell period to their youthful youth, 34.1% of the interviewed prospective college students pointed out that it was a period of free social and intimate interaction, and 28.5% of the interviewed prospective college students felt that it was to release their natural hobbies and cultivate their hobbies. development period.

  85.8% of the prospective college students surveyed confirmed that this summer vacation was their "critical period of growth"

  "Before high school, no matter in life or study, there were parents and teachers who made arrangements for the whole process, and students just immersed themselves in their studies. When entering the university, no one will restrain and supervise the whole process, and in a relaxed and free atmosphere, they must be more self-conscious." Yu Yang felt that , This summer vacation has a transitional role, helping freshmen grow up quickly from the mentality and smoothly enter different academic stages and life stages.

  Liu Jiachen felt that this seemingly relaxing vacation actually had "tasks".

"In terms of action, you should do what you think and act immediately, especially for students who have procrastination. They must try to improve their execution during the holidays, otherwise they will be more likely to procrastinate when they arrive at the university. In terms of concepts, they should gradually become mature and mature, and clarify their outlook on life. , values ​​and worldview, have their own standards for judging things. Have an opinion in college life and don’t follow the trend.”

  According to the survey, 85.8% of the prospective college students surveyed confirmed that this summer vacation is a "critical period of growth" for them to connect high school and university.

  "After the college entrance examination, the students actually entered the 'weaning period'. When they enter the university, they have to leave the shadow of their elders to study and live alone. I suggest that during this holiday, the children do something at home within their ability, such as learning to cook. , washing clothes, cleaning, and lighting up some skills for the upcoming collective life." said Chen Youhua, a professor at the School of Sociology at Nanjing University.

  For prospective college students, he pointed out that it is necessary to establish the concept of self-reliance and self-improvement.

"I hope that the children will be able to calm down when they encounter various difficulties and tests. Ask for help first and find a solution, and many problems will be solved."

  "Youth is not for wasted, it is for struggle." Chen Youhua said, "We are still thirsty for talents in this era. University is the first step in our independent study and life. I hope that prospective college students can seize the opportunity and accumulate down-to-earth accumulation. , work hard to forge yourself."

  China Youth Daily, China Youth Daily reporter Du Yuanchun intern Jin Wen Source: China Youth Daily