friendly space


Amal El Minshawi


August 04, 2022

He grows up in us when we are young, accompanies us for years when we are adults, and occupies our minds and thinking if we do not learn how to tame him and make him a companion and companion for a journey that we do not know when it will end.

It robs us of enjoying the present and its blessings and goodness, and it jumps into our imaginations like a stubborn child who does not rest unless he falls asleep.

He throws us every second with dozens of questions that are panting behind the unknown in search of elusive reassurance and complete comfort that was not created for a world called “misery.”

How will it come of age?

And when will this or that problem end?

And anyway it will be the future?

Why did you spend all this time in the same job?

Why haven't I got rid of all toxic relationships so far?..and many, many other questions that the present cannot explain because of divine wisdom and a divine secret that will unfold with time if we think well.

It is excessive anxiety, fear of tomorrow, and constant anticipation of what we will be like in the coming days, that deep feeling that devours our comfort when it is unique to us if we do not protect ourselves and fortify our days with contentment and trust in the Mastermind Creator.

Anxiety is a rebellious companion that accompanies our aspirations and ambitions. It only calms down and stands by us when we do our best of effort and work, and then leave what we have no control over. At the end of the day, “one has to strive, and he does not have to realize the results.”

We often worry about something we hope to achieve;

Then it comes with better than we wished for, and how many times we learned the lesson and lesson from what we were exposed to, but after we exhausted our anxiety, we then realized that “it was never worth it.”

Anxiety is a human feeling and an inescapable instinct, but it can be refined and its negative psychological effects on the present can be reduced, which may pass and become the past in the lives of many of us without being lived because of our many worries about a future that has not yet come.

Excess anxiety inherits disease and narrows the life around us to its spaciousness and breadth, and prevents us from the blessings in our hands, a fear that does not befit the good thought of God and optimism that “the most beautiful of our days are those that we have not lived yet.”

The best thing we can dedicate to ourselves is to make it accustomed to surrender, contentment, and anticipation of goodness with each new morning, and for each of us to write on the page of his days what he wants the shape of his life to be like in the present and tomorrow, for every expectation is coming.

The best thing we can dedicate to ourselves is to make it accustomed to surrender, contentment, and expectation of goodness with each new morning, and for each of us to write on the page of his days what he wants his life to look like in the present and tomorrow, for every expectation is coming.


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