• Health Health confirms the second death in Spain from monkeypox

  • Alarm New York declares a state of emergency for cases of monkeypox

  • Contagion Monkeypox virus is frequently detected in saliva and semen

  • World outbreak WHO activates its highest alert level for monkeypox

Three deaths from monkeypox outside Africa, the endemic area, two in Spain and one in Brazil.

These are added to the five that the World Health Organization has accounted for on the African continent.

The deaths have been confirmed a week after the WHO declared the infection a public health emergency.

The fatal outcome of at least three cases outside the borders should call for reflection on the course that "the situation is taking.

We must appeal to responsibility and make a call for caution without stigmatizing.

Because so far things have been done bad: detection of cases, containment of outbreaks, treatment of patients...".

This is how Alfredo Corell, professor of Immunology at the University of Valladolid and member of the Spanish Society of Immunology, summarizes the current situation.

The number of cases that are added, "and those that may be yet to come",

Correll points out in reference to the fact that "almost three weeks have passed since the Pride celebrations, the necessary ones in which the disease is incubated, and there may be a increase in cases worldwide.

In Spain

, according to data from the National Epidemiological Surveillance Network (Renave), as of July 30, a total of 4,298 confirmed cases of monkey pox or


have already been reported .

To know more

Keys to infection.

Who are the people most at risk of more serious disease?

  • Writing: CRISTINA G. LUCIO |


Who are the people most at risk of more serious disease?


Large international study identifies new clinical symptoms of monkeypox

  • Editorial: EUROPE PRESS |


Large international study identifies new clinical symptoms of monkeypox


The more viruses that are being transmitted, the more likely it is that vulnerable people or risk patients will become infected

and these are the ones that have the most problems with infection," Corell recalls.

The two deceased in Spain are due to complications of the infection.

Avoid infection and its complications

From the first case reported on Friday afternoon, it has transpired that it has been caused by

encephalitis associated with the infection

and that it is being analyzed to determine definitive confirmation of the cause.

Of the confirmed on Saturday, it has been reported that he is a 31-year-old man who was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit of the Reina Sofía University Hospital in Córdoba.

The samples taken during the necropsy will determine

if the cause of death is meningoencephalitis or another pathology


"Given the increase in cases (and that new ones continue to be added), the truth is that

we must be prepared for a trickle of deaths from now on

," laments Corell, and insists that "we are facing the least lethal variant, the that comes from Nigeria with a 1% risk of death, since, if it were from Congo, it would rise to 10% ".

In addition, it makes a point that the vaccines that are already available are used wisely.

Specifically, in

Madrid, 557 doses were administered

, of which 393 were pre-exposure and 164 post-exposure (contacts) and in Catalonia, some 655. "

If we do the tracking of cases well, complications of the disease can be avoided and they have an end tragic

[currently there are 120 hospitalized patients (3.2%) and 7% of the mild 7% presented complications throughout their clinical process] and if it is used in people at pre-exposure risk we will avoid more cases".

It should be remembered that the Carlos III Health Institute sequenced 23 samples in just over a week since the first cases were registered and confirmed that

the strain circulating in our country is the West African variety,

the least serious.

Another study published in 'Nature' by Portuguese researchers revealed the genetic changes in the current outbreak of monkeypox and pointed to a single origin.

"The truth is that the traceability of the cases has complicated everything a lot. It is known that there was a first case in the United Kingdom from a trip to Nigeria and from there the transmission has reached Spain, Portugal...

It is very important that they do well the works of close contacts

", emphasizes the immunologist.


emphasizes doing epidemiological surveys well


"We have to know who has been with whom after the infection. If you don't want to say, whatever the circumstances, at least you have to quarantine, limit interactions with others for a few weeks."

And it also points out something with which the WHO has caused controversy: reducing sexual relations.

"Yes, I know this can be controversial, but wouldn't it be a good public health measure to close or avoid certain entertainment venues for a month to see how cases go down?" Corell says.

Contagions in other groups

Because he remembers that we

must prevent the infection from making the leap to other groups

, "such as brothels or families with children. Or, at least, we still do not know if it has happened," says the professor.

In Spain, of the patients reported in SiViES, a total of

4081 are men and 64 are women


in three this information is not stated;


the age ranges between 10 months and 88 years


If we compare the transmission of our country with the rest of the world, differences can be glimpsed.

In Spain,

in 82.1%

of cases it was caused by close contact in the

context of a sexual relationship


in 10.5% by close non

- sexual contact.

At a global level, the WHO estimates sexual transmission at more than 98% because it has been declared in men who have sex with men.

"All this leads us to reflect that we must take action on the matter," says Corell.

"The LGTBI community is concerned about stigma. But

the recipe is simple, responsibility and common sense

. If you suspect, go to the doctor; if you get it, quarantine."

Searching for new evidence for the current outbreak

Corell explains that at this time

there are many ongoing studies

to find out

what is particular about the transmission of the virus,

"because until now it was always from animal reservoirs";

why it is important or not that virus DNA has been found in semen and saliva, "to know if it is spread by droplets, so wearing the mask and washing hands is essential again".

In the rest of



a total of 10,059

confirmed cases have been reported.

Germany (2,540), the United Kingdom (2,367), France (1,837), the Netherlands (878) and Portugal (633) are the most affected countries after Spain.

Most are young men with a history of relationships in a risky sexual context.

To these figures,

another 7,342 cases registered in non-endemic countries must be added globally

, with the United States (4,907), Canada (761), Brazil (978), Peru (269) and Israel (133), among the most affected countries. .

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Know more

  • monkey pox

  • Infectious diseases