July 29 is the "World Tiger Love Day". The reporter walked into the Nanchang Zoo. It was a hot dog day, and the local temperature exceeded 35 degrees Celsius. The zoo's keepers recently prepared large ice bricks for the South China tigers to cool down.

Some South China tigers who like coolness lick ice bricks for a while, and "skate" on the ice with their paws for a while, showing their cute and cute side.

  Zhang Jun, the monitor of the beast squad at Nanchang Zoo, told reporters that in addition to transporting ice bricks to cool the tigers, fans will be added.

According to the preference of different tigers, they will be given appropriate showers to cool off the heat.

  The South China tiger, also known as the "Chinese tiger", is a unique tiger subspecies in China, a national first-class protected animal, and is listed as critically endangered.

As the largest South China tiger breeding and conservation base in southern China, Nanchang Zoo currently has 41 South China tigers, accounting for about one-fifth of the country's total.

(Reporter Hua Shan)

Responsible editor: [Luo Pan]