□ Lu Enjun

  Some traditional Chinese festivals choose the date when the sun and the moon overlap. This not only pays attention to the overlapping beauty of numbers, but also reflects the ancient Chinese worship of the fusion of heaven and earth.

The double-numbered coincidence of Qixi Festival not only means the auspiciousness of "double seven and double auspiciousness" or "happy with auspiciousness", the "seven" of Qixi Festival, but also a series of famous halls and meaningful festivals related to the number "seven" vulgar.

  "The silver candle is cold in the autumn, and the small fan is fluttering on the firefly. The sky is cold as water, and the night is as cool as water. When we read Du Mu's beautiful poem, we naturally think of the moving legend of the meeting of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl on the Magpie Bridge.

"Along with Altair, a Han girl on the Jiaojiao River. Slender and slender hands, zhazhalong machine shovel... Ying Ying Ying Ying in the water, the pulse is speechless." Magpies all over the world were moved and came from all directions to build a bridge of magpies for them to meet. This moving moment was the night of the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, so people called this festival "Qixi".

  "Tonight on Qixi Festival, look at Bixiao, and the Cowherd and Weaver Girl cross the bridge of magpies. Every family begging to look at the autumn moon, wearing tens of thousands of red silks." Lin Jie's poems of the Tang Dynasty described the popular custom of needle-threading and begging for cleverness on Qixi Festival.

It is the earliest method of begging for skill on the Qixi Festival, which began in the Han Dynasty and became popular in later generations.

"Xijing Miscellaneous Records" contains: "Han Cai women often wear seven-hole needles on the 7th day of the seventh lunar month in the open floor, and people are familiar with it."

Therefore, Qixi Festival is also called Qiqiao Festival (also known as Qiqiao Festival).

Qiqiao Festival women "pierce the needle against the moon", the needle used is also a seven-hole needle, a special flat-shaped seven-hole needle, it is difficult to quickly pass the colored thread.

Therefore, Emperor Liang Jianwen's poem "Threading the Needle on the Qixi Festival" describes this situation: "The needle is suspicious of the dark moon, and the strands are scattered and hate the wind." The poem said that the thread was not threaded correctly, it was strange that the moon was dim, the thread ends were scattered, and the night was strange. The wind is too strong, and the ten simple words describe the palace maids' psychology of "piercing the needle for the moon" in detail, and it can also be seen that people in ancient times attached great importance to the custom of "piercing the needle with seven holes" on the Qixi Festival.

  "Today Yunzhang crosses the Magpie Bridge, it should not be the pulse and the long distance. The family actually likes to open the makeup mirror and wear needles under the moon to worship Jiuxiao." The Tang Dynasty writer Quan Deyu's "Qixi" said that Qixi not only needles but also needles. Also "worship Jiuxiao", that is, worship Vega "Qiaoshen".

Look at Mao Xuan's "Little Girl's Poems" in the Ming Dynasty: "Get out of bed and put on new clothes. Beginners will worship. They bow their heads ashamed to see others, and their hands are tied with skirts." The poem said that the poet's little daughter, who was only 6 years old at the time, put on new clothes and began to learn It is obvious that the ancients were very concerned about the custom of worshipping the Weaver Girl.

In folk worship, the Weaver Girl is the weaving goddess who weaves clouds, and is the protector of lovers, women and children. People regard Qixi Festival as the birthday of the Seventh Sister, and women in the mortal world will beg for wisdom from the "Qiaoshen" on Qixi Festival. art.

On this romantic evening, the girls placed seasonal melons and fruits in front of the bright moon in the sky and worshipped in the sky, begging the goddess in the sky to give them wise hearts and dexterous hands, and also begging for a good marriage.

In this way, worshiping Qijie on Qixi Festival has become a common folk custom.

  "The sky is misty and the moon is dark in the sky, and the silver, Han and autumn periods are the same forever. A few joys and hatreds are in this night every year." Bai Juyi's "Qixi", let us deeply understand the taste of the Qixi Festival.

Vega has been intertwined with deep feelings in people's minds since ancient times.

In Fujian, Zhejiang and other regions, the seventh day of the seventh lunar month is called Qixingma or Qiniangma's birthday. Seven stamens flowers, seven lanterns, seven golds, glutinous rice with sweet and bean curd wine, please invite Qiniang to have a drink." The string of "seven" songs sang the urgency of inviting Qiniang's mother.

  Speaking of the worship custom that connects Qixi Festival and "Seventh", the "Seven Worships of Ying Xian" in some places in Guangzhou are more sincere. From the sixth to the seventh day of the first month, from the third to the fifth day, the girls dress for the festival for two consecutive nights. Clothing, burning incense and candles, and praying seven times in a row.

The "Seven Sisters Club" in Juancheng, Caoxian, Pingyuan and other places in Shandong is composed of seven good female companions, who eat "Bu Qiao Rice" in the simple form of making dumplings, in which a copper coin, a wooden needle, a The red dates are wrapped in three dumplings, and they eat together. They say that those who eat copper coins are blessed, those who eat wooden needles are ingenious, and those who eat red dates get married early.

Zhejiang folks have the custom of receiving dew on Qixi Festival, which is called "Qixi Dew".

Legend has it that the dew on the Qixi Festival is the tears when the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl meet, and it can be applied to the eyes and hands quickly.

It can be seen that the custom of Qixi Festival is not simply a superstitious activity, it reflects women's pursuit of a better life, and the commonality of various customs and activities is the pursuit of a better life.

  "Jin Dou jumps high and looks like a ghost. It is said that it looks like a Kuixing star. The auspicious light flashes and opens the first light, and it helps the son Qiuwei's pen and inkstone." The song "Send Kuixing and Li Zixian" by Li Piaoying, a famous minister of the Song Dynasty, said another. Kuixing, a star god worshipped by the people on the Qixi Festival.

Qixi Festival is also known as Kuixing's Birthday. This ugly god seems to be very incompatible with the beautiful fairy, but his origin is also related to "seven", and it also comes from the worship of astrology by the ancients.

Kuixing is the first star of the Big Dipper, also known as Kuixing.

It is also a very interesting thing to say. On the night of the Qixi Festival, the one who appeared on the stage with Zhinu to accept people's worship was not the morning cowherd who Zhinu was thinking about, but a strange-looking Kuixing god.

There is also a legend that he has a "weird face". It probably means that he not only has an ugly face, but also has disabilities in his legs and feet. Because of his extraordinary talents, he was appointed as the first champion by the emperor during the imperial examination. After he became famous, he died and ascended to heaven. The star worshipped in the world.

It seems that people who are ugly are not ugly, people who have broken aspirations and perfect talents and virtues, will also become talents in people's minds.

  Speaking of Kuixing, although it is not as well-known as the legend of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl, there are also many people worshipping it in the Qixi Festival.

According to records, as early as the Eastern Han Dynasty, in the Book of Filial Piety and Aid to the Gods, there was a saying of "Kui Zhu's articles". The imperial examination was regarded as the main Chinese god, and "Kui Xing" was changed to "Kui Xing".

This is also recorded in the "Kui" article in Volume 32 of the "Rizhilu" by Gu Yanwu, a scholar in the late Ming Dynasty: "Kuixing is worshipped by people today, I don't know what year it started. Kui is the home of the article, so a temple is built to hold it. Kui, and changed Kui to Kui. It can’t be like Kui, but takes the shape of the word, and fights for ghosts.” According to historical records, the belief in Kuixing was the most prosperous in the Song Dynasty, and it has been enduring for a long time.

Especially in Southeast Zhejiang, Fujian and other regions, the custom of worshipping Kuixing on Qixi Festival has been circulating since ancient times.

  In ancient China, almost every town in China built a "Kuixing Tower" or "Kuixing Pavilion". The statue of Kuixing in its main hall had a ferocious face, a golden body and a blue face, red hair and eyes, and two horns on the head, just like a pair of Ghost look.

He holds a red pen in his right hand and an ink bucket in his left. His right foot is independent, and his foot is stepping on the head of a big ao in the sea, which means "doing the best." ".

Legend has it that his pen was specially used to point the names of the imperial examination scholars. Once the point was clicked, the literary and official sports would come with it, so scholars in the imperial examination era regarded it as a god.

In the minds of Confucian scholars, Kuixing has the supreme status.

Since ancient times, the custom of worshipping Kuixing on Qixi Festival has been circulated, and there are still many relics of worshipping Kuixing.

  It can be seen that this Qixi Festival, which is called "Daughter's Day", is also a festival for men to beg for talent from the "God of Talent".

Women believe in "skillful gods", praying for blessings together, learning skills, and making progress together; men advocating kuixing, active and enterprising, in order to win the championship and gain fame.

In this way, Qixi Festival is really a good day for young people to actively strive for progress!