There are such a group of soldiers in the Chinese peacekeeping force to Lebanon. Their average age is only 23 years old, but they are on the front line of mine clearance and explosive removal.

Dai Zhengqin and Kong Qing are the 20th batch of female minesweepers in the peacekeeping unit in Lebanon. After a rigorous training camp, they left the motherland and obtained the certification of minesweeping qualifications abroad.

Afterwards, he completed tasks such as "Blue Bucket Maintenance", minefield clearance, and minefield measurement, and successfully advanced from mine clearance "Xiaobai" to become a "bomb disposal expert".

They worked hard in a distant foreign country, overcame difficulties, and pressed miss, showing the strength of China and the strength of youth.

  Kong Kangyi Dai Zhengqin Kong Qing Yang Xueyao reports from Lebanon

Responsible editor: [Li Ji]