Stephen King was silent for a long time, confused in his testimony, but nevertheless he explained: I am not me, Bandera is not mine.

Okay, let's go in order.

A living classic of horror called a man and introduced himself as the President of Ukraine Zelensky.

He offered a bunch of different things: write a novel about the atrocities of the Russian army, send Pennywise to fight the Russians, glorify Bandera.

King readily agreed to everything.

And then, firstly, it turned out that the caller was not Zelensky at all, but pranksters Vovan and Lexus.

And the writer on Twitter went to tear apart the conservatives - they remembered who Bandera really was, they didn’t let King move out on the phrase “This is bullshit”, but watched the whole scandalous broadcast and remembered everything to him.

As a result, the writer somehow excused himself - he said that he considered Bandera to be a modern Ukrainian general.

Actually, bribes are smooth from King.

The Bangor recluse is not aware of the history of a distant country, the existence of which he learned only recently.

He really doesn't give a damn about who Bandera is, and about the entire liberation struggle of the Ukrainian people as a whole.

He, like hundreds of other Western liberal intellectuals, simply believes that he is on the side of good, without going into nuances.

Stephen King had a book called "From a Buick 8", in which something else invaded the American province through a car.

Not hostile, but simply different - and the "good guys", the inhabitants of the outback, beat this other to death.

No way, just because they were afraid.

The most poignant thing about this book is that the author clearly did not see any moral dilemmas here, he got along with his heroes, provincial policemen, and did not condemn them at all.

Therefore, it turned out like in life: the moment when “good with fists” turns into evil is invisible.

And Stephen King - the author, as it always happens, is simply wiser than Stephen King - a man, a liberal old man in a hat Ukraine, who does not care about Bandera and the Jews he killed.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editors.