Tips to keep your brain active and energetic

There are many factors that govern brain health, which include cognitive factors, psychological factors, and social and biological factors as well.” According to the “times of India” website, the most important of these factors are: 

Adequate awareness and education are required to keep the brain active

The complications of brain health manifest themselves in the form of neurological and neurodevelopmental conditions, some of which have been included by the World Health Organization (WHO) in the framework of mental development disorders, autism spectrum disorders, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, dementia, cerebrovascular disease, headache, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson's disease. Neuroinfections, brain tumors, traumatic injuries and neurological disorders resulting from malnutrition.

What do you need to keep your brain active

Dr. Sachin Kandari, Senior Neurosurgeon and Managing Director of IBS Hospital in New Delhi says that a healthy lifestyle is a cure for many diseases as few healthy habits without which the brain can suffer which include “regular exercise, a balanced diet, reducing Smoking and alcohol consumption, reducing stress and anxiety levels, maintaining good social connections with family and peer groups through social activity, and getting at least 7-8 hours of good sleep.”

Varun Reddy Gundluru, Consultant Neurologist at Yashoda Hospitals Hyderabad, said, "Maintaining good control of blood pressure, control of blood sugar and cholesterol levels, reduction of smoking and alcohol intake and regular medical examinations also determine brain health to a large extent."

Excellent brain health exercises

Varun Reddy Gundaloro suggests doing brain-stimulating activities such as “solving puzzles, thinking about complex scenarios, and harnessing the power of our brain to stay mentally fit. Mental fitness reduces our chance of developing dementia as well.” He advises and adds that having a social life is just as important as having a social life. any thing else.

Activities such as playing cards, learning music, playing musical instruments, dancing, playing a vocabulary game (crossword puzzles), playing puzzles, and trying to stimulate the mind can help exercise the brain, as well as learn new skills.

Common Symptoms of Brain Complications Everyone Should Know

Kandari noted that these symptoms include "frequent severe headaches, vision problems, unusual changes in behavior and mood, memory and ability to focus, restless or poor sleep, seizures, and numbness or tingling in the arms, hands, legs, or feet are some of the symptoms that should be addressed." be taken seriously.”

He advised the need to consult a neurologist as soon as possible "because the best possible way out is timely treatment, which can be beneficial."

Sleep is a brain stimulant

“Getting enough sleep and relaxation rejuvenates the brain and revitalizes it for the next day. It also maintains a good mood, reduces the chance of depression, and improves memory,” says Dr. Varun.

Some reports indicate that sleep removes toxins from the brain, the most important of which is the beta-amyloid protein, as the American "Forbes" magazine indicated that "perhaps the most surprising thing is that many of the components of the sticky substance are beta-amyloid protein, which is a precursor to plaques in Alzheimer's disease. It appears that These proteins and other toxins accumulate during the day and are eliminated during sleep.”

On average, an adult should sleep for 7-8 hours.