[Explanation] With the cicadas singing in midsummer, the rice ears in the Wasedia fields became full, and the annual summer vacation came as scheduled.

For the left-behind children in the mountainous areas of the Nanchangwanli Administration Bureau in Jiangxi Province, how will they spend this holiday without their parents by their side?

  On the afternoon of July 19, the reporter walked into Yiping Primary School in Yiping Village, Luoting Town, Nanchang Bay. The children were playing table tennis with their teachers on the playground.

According to reports, these teachers are all from Wuhan University. They were selected from more than 600 college students who signed up for volunteer teaching. A total of 14 people formed this summer volunteer teaching team.

To this end, they also received first aid training and simple educational psychology training in advance, and carefully prepared lessons every day, and arranged colorful courses.

  [Concurrent] Chen Haole, Assistant Secretary of Yiping Village, Wanli, Nanchang

  This activity can bring some colorful and interesting courses to the rural left-behind children in our Yiping Village, including some oral, psychological, physiological, art, handicraft, painting, etc. Children can get a sufficient expansion of knowledge in the summer. platform.

We will pay special attention to the left-behind children in rural areas, and we can also ensure that they are safe, and they can learn better in the summer.

  [Explanation] After the lunch break, the reporter saw in the classroom that some of the college students who volunteered taught English, some explained Chinese, and they mainly used interactive forms; Safety knowledge and self-protection awareness such as drowning prevention, guide children to cherish life and protect safety.

  Huang Yuxin, a volunteer teaching student, was a junior this year. She told reporters that after contacting left-behind children, she found that most of these children were more introverted, but as long as they communicated and cared for them, they could still open up their hearts, which also made her full of support for teaching work. confidence.

  [Concurrent] Huang Yuxin, a volunteer teaching student of Wuhan University

  For left-behind children, the first thing is that I think they need love very much, and then they are very introverted.

When I meet a child in class who just doesn’t speak or is bullied, they tend to digest it by themselves, sit there alone, and then, like the teaching children, we communicate more, and then go to him One-on-one counseling, they are actually willing to open up their hearts, so I have great confidence in teaching support.

  [Explanation] According to reports, since 2014, the Chunhui Public Welfare Center summer camp teaching team established by Wuhan University has started to organize teaching teams to go to mountain primary schools in Guizhou, Shaanxi and other places to hold summer summer camp teaching activities.

As of 2021, the Chunhui summer teaching team went to 20 schools, with a total of 416 volunteers participating, and established 6 demonstration sites for teaching support.

  Reporter from Huashan, Jiangxi and Nanchang

Responsible editor: [Ji Xiang]