Qingyang, Gansu Province, known as the "Hometown of Chinese Sachet Embroidery", has a history of embroidery for thousands of years. The folk song "Learn needle and thread at the age of 8 and enter the embroidery room at the age of 12" is widely circulated in the local area.

  The colorful Qingyang sachets are rich in shape and exquisite in patterns, expressing people's prayers for peace and their longing and yearning for a better life.

In 2006, Qingyang sachet embroidery was included in the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage list.

  In Qingyang, sachets and embroidery can be integrated into all aspects of life, from small accessories to interior decoration, clothing, food, housing, and transportation. It can be seen that the local people's love for sachets is integrated into their bones.

  Xiaoxin's mother and grandmother grew up in Qingyang. Every New Year's Day, the colored threads and the peculiar smell of vanilla in her grandmother's hands are lingering in childhood memories.

The sachet embroidery in Qingyang used to be a "needlework" that was not worth mentioning when women sat on the kang head and chatted. Now, after the great change in traditional thinking, the embroidery industry has rapidly grown into one of the pillar industries that drives the development of local villages. , so that women can gain a career through "embroidery" and start a business with "embroidery", which not only brings a lot of income, but also "embroiders" a new life in the countryside.

  So how difficult is this embroidery skill, which has been passed down for thousands of years?

How many types and meanings are there in Qingyang sachets?

Follow Xiaoxin, pick up the needle and thread, and experience the joy of embroidering a sachet.

  (Reporter Gao Ying)

Responsible editor: [Ji Xiang]