Eighteen years of teaching the rule of law to the village children

Prosecutors use a dream 'key' to open children's hearts

  On June 2, Lai Jiaming led the "Care for the Future" volunteer service team to Xiangyang Primary School in Yongfu County, Guangxi to carry out the "cherish life and refuse drugs" educational activity.

Photo courtesy of Yongfu County People's Procuratorate

  On September 28, 2021, Lai Jiaming (third from left) went to the homes of the Yao people in Hedong Village, Baoli Town, Yongfu County to publicize the Law on the Protection of Minors and the Law on the Prevention of Minor Crimes.

Photo courtesy of Yongfu County People's Procuratorate

  In the "Mr. Lai's Studio" on the 4th floor of the People's Procuratorate of Yongfu County, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, thousands of letters from students were neatly stacked on a long table.

  A letter from Xiaoxue, a student from the 2003 class of Sanhuang Junior High School in Yongfu County, said that he is a person who has no dreams and is very confused about his future life.

After listening to Mr. Lai's class, the Hua Ji girl who was studying in the township middle school felt that her confusion had been answered, "That day was originally an ordinary day, but it became extraordinary because of your arrival."

  Mr. Lai's name is Lai Jiaming, and he is the fourth-level senior prosecutor's assistant of the Yongfu County People's Procuratorate.

He insisted on going to primary and middle schools in Yongfu County for 18 years to teach children about the rule of law, and established "Mr. Lai's Studio" and opened "Mr. Lai's mailbox" to provide students and parents with a way to tell their inner confusion and "one-on-one" help. place.

  In the letters he received, each child showed a very rich inner world.

In Lai Jiaming's view, this is a world that their parents and teachers usually do not easily touch, and his "key" to open this world is a dream.

"My mood also fell to the ground like that piece of pork"

  On June 17, in the amphitheater of Mingde Primary School in Yongfu County, Lai Jiaming gave a lecture to more than 100 students in the audience with the theme of "My future is not a dream".

  "Children, who has been to Guilin? Who has been to Nanning? Please raise your hand."

  Three or four children raised their hands.

  "What about those who have been to Beijing?"

  The voice fell, and no one raised their hand.

  Lai Jiaming went on to talk about his first dream when he was a child, which was to go to Tiananmen Square in Beijing.

For this dream, he participated in the college entrance examination 7 times before and after.

  When he took the college entrance examination for the first time in 1980, he came to Yongfu County for the first time and saw the train for the first time.

After he got the test paper excitedly, he was confused - he couldn't do a single question, "I thought about it for a long time, and finally decided to choose all C".

  On the day of the test, Lai Jiaming's mother went to the market to buy a piece of pork to celebrate.

Knowing that he scored 186 points in the test, her mother was very happy at first, but after hearing that this was the total score of 5 subjects, the pork on her hand slammed to the ground.

  "My mood also fell to the ground like that piece of pork." Lai Jiaming waved his thick big hand, and his witty words made the children laugh.

When he mentioned that he had participated in the college entrance examination 7 times in a row, and finally was admitted to Guangxi Yulin Teachers College in 1986, the quiet classroom burst into warm applause.

  He used these experiences to tell the children that a person with a dream will not waste time and live in confusion. As long as he perseveres, he will one day realize his dream.

  "He's different from other teachers." After class, Chen Liuling, a sixth-grade student at Mingde Primary School, said that someone had talked to her about her dreams before, but she always had a serious face, but Teacher Lai was like a big brother, listening to her. He said that the process of chasing dreams is exciting.

"I have to go down this road"

  It is not Lai Jiaming's main business to teach children the rule of law. In the Yongfu County People's Procuratorate, he worked as an ordinary police officer, office director, and later as deputy chief prosecutor.

For a long time, he has paid special attention to the healthy growth of minors and insisted on giving them legal lessons.

These 18 years of persistence originated from a case handled by the Yongfu County People's Procuratorate in 2000.

  At that time, a 16-year-old student severely injured a 14-year-old boy in an Internet cafe due to a game card dispute and was detained in the detention center.

In a few days before the Chinese New Year, the boy's mother found Lai Jiaming and wanted to go to the detention center to visit her son.

For more than ten minutes during the visit, the mother and son cried while hugging each other across the iron fence, and didn't say a word the whole time.

Seeing this scene, Lai Jiaming, who was deeply touched, had the idea of ​​helping the lost rural children with practical actions.

  After nearly 4 years of preparation, with the participation of Yongfu County People's Procuratorate, County People's Court, Public Security, Communist Youth League and other departments, the first volunteer organization in Guilin dedicated to serving the growth of young people - Yongfu County "Care for the Future" Volunteer Service The team was established, and Lai Jiaming served as the captain of the service team.

  In the process of contacting problem children, Lai Jiaming found that many rural children who made mistakes due to lack of parental discipline and guidance from bad social habits actually have a pure side in their hearts.

  One morning in October 2005, in a middle school in Yongfu County, there were serious bad behaviors in which many students fought. Lai Jiaming assisted the school in helping and teaching the students.

Until 1 p.m., the educational work had not yielded results.

At this time, Lai Jiaming remembered that the children had not eaten lunch, so he gave the money to a student and asked him to help buy 5 lunch boxes.

After waiting for a long time, the careless student only bought 4 copies. Lai Jiaming remembered that there was a zongzi in his bag that he didn't have time to eat in the morning, and handed it to the student who didn't have a lunch box.

  To Lai Jiaming's surprise, this small act actually made several children cry. They said, "Mr. Lai, we were wrong. We caused you not to eat breakfast."

  In 2006, the principal of Lamu Elementary School in Baoli Township rode a bicycle to the procuratorate to find Lai Jiaming, and wanted to invite the service team to the school to teach students about the rule of law.

The school is a remote rural primary school with just over 140 students, most of whom are left-behind children.

The next day, when he walked into the school, everything in front of him was dilapidated, except for one thing that was brand new, and that was the flag on the flagpole.

  In the middle of class on the playground, it suddenly rained and more than 140 students ran into a classroom on the first floor.

After the class, Lai Jiaming said that he wanted the children to perform a show.

The children sang the national anthem in unison, the only song they all sang.

  Through the window, Lai Jiaming saw the five-star red flag fluttering in the rain on the playground.

He suddenly felt that these children in the mountains were the hope of the motherland and the future of the nation.

"We have to pay more attention to and care for them. From that moment on, I have been firm on this path, and I must go on."

Why the rule of law class should talk about dreams

  Although the rule of law class has been welcomed by the school from the very beginning, in the early stage of the "rule of law into the campus" activity, most of the cases and related laws and regulations of the rule of law were taught.

After a period of time, Lai Jiaming found that many of the knowledge that he had talked about, the child's memory was blurred.

  Lai Jiaming began to think about how to use the limited classroom time to penetrate into the hearts of young people.

In his view, a child will embark on the path of crime as he grows up, which is influenced by many factors.

One of the most important factors is that you have no plans and goals for your future, so you can go with the flow and lose your way.

  "Dream is a familiar topic for many urban children, but in the process of contacting rural children, I found that they generally have no dreams, no direction, and therefore no motivation." Lai Jiaming said that starting from 2020, he began to Include the theme "My future is not a dream" in the rule of law class.

This kind of rule of law class does not directly talk to students about legal terms such as intentional injury and theft, but arouses their yearning for ideals from the bottom of their hearts, giving them the hope of getting out of the mountains.

When he thinks that he will become an excellent person in the future and go to a wider world to embrace a wonderful life, he will more consciously abide by the law and love life.

  In May 2020, the Yongfu County Procuratorate's "Caring for the Future" volunteer service team received a request from a teacher from Yongfu No. 1 Middle School, asking Mr. Lai to provide psychological counseling to a third-year girl.

The girl's academic performance has always been very good. Because she failed a mock exam, she felt sorry for her parents who worked in the countryside. She suddenly collapsed and did not want to continue school.

  After Lai Jiaming rushed to the school to learn about the situation, he went to the girl's class to take a class on the theme of "My future is not a dream", because he was worried that talking to this girl alone would make her more stressed.

  In August 2020, after the college entrance examination, the girl wrote to Lai Jiaming: "Mr. Lai, maybe for you, I'm just one of the many people you've helped, but your enlightenment to me really helped me never give up. The edge was pulled back.

You told me: "Let go and move forward." No matter what I went through, I reminded myself to let go of the past and move forward, because there are better things ahead for me to continue chasing.

  Later, the girl not only was admitted to her favorite university, but also proposed to join the "Caring for the Future" volunteer service team to help more confused people like her.

Exchange your heart for your child's heart

  "Mr. Lai's Studio" contains a schematic diagram of the school layout in Yongfu County. Every time a school gives a lecture, a small red flag will be marked on the map.

Yongfu County is a half-mountain county where Han, Zhuang, Yao, Hui and other ethnic groups are scattered. In recent years, Lai Jiaming and members of the volunteer service team have walked through more than 100 schools in Yongfu County, and this map has also been marked.

  Lai Jiaming still remembers that when he first brought the "Care for the Future" volunteer service team to the countryside to give lectures on the rule of law, some people said that it would be good if the team could last for three years.

After 3 years, some people think that it can be done for up to 5 years.

It was not until 10 years later that there were no doubts around.

  "We usually use the time after get off work to voluntarily go to the school to give lectures." Lai Jiaming's colleague and volunteer Zhang Jie said that this service team never caused any trouble to the school. Even if the school invited them to dinner, they would refuse. Bring your own lunch to eat on the way to the countryside, or go over after eating at the work unit.

  Every time he sets out, Lai Jiaming will carry a large backpack, which contains a speaker, a microphone, and a stack of bookmark gifts for the children.

Many village schools have poor conditions, and volunteers will bring projectors and curtains so that many students can watch the courseware together.

  Once Lai Jiaming and members of the service team went to class at Shimen Primary School in Suqiao Town, when they communicated with the students after class, Lai Jiaming suddenly felt a cool breeze behind him, and when he turned around, he saw that a female student was holding a small fan blowing him.

The girl said, "Mr. Lai, I see that your clothes are soaking wet. Let me blow your hair."

  Another time at Taihe Primary School in Yong'an Township, a little girl came over and asked him, "Mr. Lai, can you give me a hug?" Lai Jiaming gently hugged her, the girl cried, she said that she had already I haven't seen my parents for a long time.

Lai Jiaming said that the eyes of the children made him want to go back to school to see them again.

  Due to the long distance from the township school, Lai Jiaming often finished his classes at night, and it was already early morning when he returned to the county seat.

He often asks everyone in the car what they have gained that day?

The young colleague replied, "We got hundreds of hearts today."

  In Lai Jiaming's view, the reason why this team can win the hearts of the children is not because of how well they teach in their classes, but because the inspectors' warmth, sense of responsibility and sincerity moved the students.

A student wrote in a letter, "I actually looked at your badge (insignia) for a long time in class, it looks very sacred".

  Now, in addition to going to the countryside to take legal courses, Lai Jiaming will spend more time in the "Mr. Lai's Studio" to provide legal aid, psychological counseling and other services to teenagers and parents.

  Not long ago, Lai Jiaming received a girl who had been suicidal since the third grade of elementary school due to improper family education. She had dozens of scars on her arm.

When providing psychological counseling to the girl, he praised the girl for taking the initiative to seek help, and told her that no matter what difficulties she encountered, she could come to Teacher Lai at any time, making her feel depended and secure.

  After many times of communication and education, the girl said happily to him when she came to the studio recently: "Mr. Lai, I think the scrambled eggs with tomatoes in the school cafeteria are very delicious." "I knew she was starting to get better, and at that moment I felt that we It's all worth it," Lai Jiaming said.

  China Youth Daily, China Youth Daily reporter Xie Yang Source: China Youth Daily