The Paper Intern Reporter Zhang Yilin Reporter Zheng Zhizu

  For the past few days, the country has been experiencing high temperatures.

With the "fire" weather, the word "heat stroke" is on the hot search screen.

Since July, there have been many cases of heat stroke and even many deaths in many parts of the country.

  "The mortality rate of heat stroke in elderly patients can reach more than 80%." Dong Ziye, deputy chief physician of the Department of Emergency Medicine of Beijing Haidian Hospital, reminded the public that cooling and heatstroke prevention should be done in hot weather, and symptoms of heatstroke must be dealt with in time.

  "Hot to die!" Heat stroke cases appear in many places

  This Saturday, the country is about to enter the "first volt".

According to the monitoring of the National Climate Center, since June this year (as of July 12), the average number of high temperature days in my country has been 5.3 days, which is 2.4 days more than the same period of normal years, the most in the same period in history since 1961.

  Extremely hot weather not only makes people feel uncomfortable, but also easily leads to heat stroke and even life-threatening.

According to media reports, there have been cases of heat stroke in Zhejiang, Sichuan, Fujian, Jiangsu, Henan, Guangdong and other places.

  Wu Jianrong, an emergency physician at Lishui Central Hospital in Zhejiang Province, previously stated that a 49-year-old male patient suddenly passed out while working in the workshop. When he was admitted to the hospital, his temperature was 40.7°C and he was in shock.

After examination, the patient died of multiple organ failure accompanied by disseminated intravascular coagulation.

The hospital has admitted 3 patients with heat stroke in the past week. A 70-year-old woman did not pay attention to heatstroke prevention at home. She developed high fever and confusion during her nap. When she was sent to the hospital, her temperature reached 42.5°C, and her multiple organs failed. She is still being rescued.

  When a man in Zhengzhou, Henan Province suddenly fell into a coma due to heatstroke, he was sent to the ICU ward of the hospital for rescue. The doctor monitored that his core temperature had reached 42.3 degrees, and all the organs in the body seemed to have been "boiled" in water.

  According to Red Star News, West China Hospital of Sichuan University admitted three consecutive heat stroke referral patients on July 10. One of them suffered from respiratory cardiac arrest when he was referred to West China Hospital due to his aggressive condition and multiple organ failure. Despite all efforts to rescue him, he eventually passed away.

  In addition, the topic #living alone old man is reluctant to turn on the air conditioner to suffer from heatstroke# has also attracted widespread attention. According to media reports, an old man in Jiangsu was found collapsed at home with a temperature of 41.5 degrees.

Sent to the doctor for examination, the elderly suffering from heat stroke.

It is reported that the elderly living alone at home is reluctant to turn on the air conditioner, and the heat inside the house leads to heat stroke.

  Experts: The death rate of heat stroke in elderly patients can reach more than 80%

  According to the "Expert Consensus on Diagnosis and Treatment of Heat Stroke in China", heat stroke is a serious and fatal disease caused by heat factors acting on the body. It refers to the imbalance between heat production and heat dissipation caused by exposure to hot environment or strenuous exercise. It means that the core temperature is increased by more than 40 °C, and the central nervous system is abnormal, such as mental state changes, convulsions or coma, and is accompanied by multiple organ damage, which is life-threatening in severe cases.

  "Heat stroke is the most serious type of heatstroke." Dong Yezi, deputy chief physician of the Department of Emergency Medicine of Beijing Haidian Hospital, said in an interview with The Paper that heatstroke caused by high temperature mainly includes three types: threatened heatstroke, mild heatstroke, and severe heatstroke. .

  Threatened heat stroke is mainly manifested as profuse sweating, dizziness, weakness of limbs, palpitation, shortness of breath, and inability to concentrate. After leaving the high temperature environment and entering a cool and ventilated environment, it can return to normal in a short time.

In addition to aura symptoms, mild heatstroke will also be accompanied by fever, early circulatory dysfunction, and symptoms such as flushing, profuse sweating, burning skin, and even clammy limbs, pale complexion, and rapid heartbeat.

  Severe heatstroke is divided into heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke.

Heat stroke is mainly manifested by symptoms of the central nervous system and high fever. Patients may experience dangerous manifestations such as difficulty in dissipating heat, headache, dizziness, and even coma.

"Heat stroke is a fatal emergency, and the mortality rate is very high, which can reach more than 60%, and the mortality rate of elderly patients can reach more than 80%." Dong Ye said.

  It is worth noting that once heat stroke progresses to the heat stroke stage, there are many irreversible reactions in addition to the increase in body temperature.

High temperature will not only cause direct damage to various organ systems of the human body, such as liver function, kidney function, respiratory function and other organ functions, but also may cause some neurological sequelae, such as dementia, or even a vegetative state.

  Dong Ziye said that the effects of high temperature and heat waves on the human body are regardless of age, and people at all stages are at risk of heat stroke or even heat stroke.

Among them, there are several types of high-risk groups that need special attention: one is those who perform physical labor or strenuous exercise in a high temperature and high humidity environment; the other is the elderly who are frail, or have chronic diseases themselves.

"There are some elderly people who live at home for a long time among the patients we have treated. They are reluctant to use the air conditioner, and they keep the doors and windows tightly closed to prevent the hot air from blowing in. The ambient temperature and humidity are high, and heat stroke is prone to occur."

  Air conditioner fan, turn it on

  To prevent heat stroke, we must first prevent heat stroke.

  The doctor said, pay attention to weather changes and avoid outdoor activities during high temperature periods.

Take precautions when going out, avoid tight-fitting clothing, and wear light, loose-fitting and light-colored clothing.

In summer, drink more water, you can drink some electrolyte water.

"Drinking water is very effective in preventing or relieving heat stroke. In hot weather, regardless of the amount of exercise, you should increase your water intake. Don't wait until you are thirsty to drink water."

  In addition, prepare some related medicines, such as Huoxiangzhengqi, Shidishui, Fengyoujing and other regular medicines at home, and use medicines when necessary.

Pay attention to rest, do not work when the sun is too strong, try to avoid high temperature periods, and do not work under high temperature for a long time.

Also pay attention to opening windows for ventilation indoors, and use electrical appliances such as fans and air conditioners to cool down.

  Dong Yezi reminded that if symptoms of heat stroke occur, they must be dealt with in time.

If the elderly at home, children, or friends around have symptoms of heat stroke and fainting, first of all, quickly lift them to a ventilated, cool and dry place, make them lie on their backs and unbutton their clothes, and use a fan or electric fan to blow air. , to speed up heat dissipation, you can also use ice water or cold water to wipe the whole body.

  When the patient is still conscious, some cool drinks, such as sports drinks, light salt water, etc., can be given, but do not rush to add a lot of water.

For patients with severe heatstroke, they must be sent to the hospital immediately for diagnosis and treatment.

  The doctor emphasized that some people think that for mild heat stroke symptoms such as fever, it is good to use antipyretics at home to lower the body temperature, but this is not the case.

"Fever is only a manifestation of heatstroke. If you only focus on fever reduction, treatment may be delayed and the function of other organs may be damaged. If a patient has symptoms of heatstroke, he must seek medical attention as soon as possible."

  In addition, for some elderly people who are not used to or do not like to turn on the air conditioner, Dong Yezi said that they must pay attention to indoor ventilation. Fans can be used to cool down and windows can be opened to circulate the indoor air, which can achieve the effect of preventing heat stroke.