132 years old.

This is the number of years needed, according to a report published on Wednesday July 13, by the World Economic Forum (WEF) (or Davos Forum, whose headquarters are in Geneva, Switzerland) to "bridge the gaps" in terms of gender equality, reports the weekly

Courrier International


A delay caused by the global health crisis and still relevant despite the economic recovery of recent months.

In 2021, this same report mentioned a slightly longer duration, namely 136 years.

Equal access to the labor market down since 2009

The WEF analyzed gender inequalities in four areas: 'level of education, health and survival, economic participation and opportunity, and political power'.

According to the Swiss daily Le Temps, “it would take 151 years to close the gaps in economic opportunity and 155 years to close those in political power”.

With regard to the first two areas, on the other hand, equality would already be almost effective.

A downward trend in equal access to the labor market would continue since 2009. In 2022, this rate reached its lowest level with 62.9%.

The report explains: “The trend steepened in 2020 and fell further steeply in the two years that followed.

According to the WEF, unemployment could thus experience an “imminent crisis” and particularly affect women (6.4%) (compared to 6.1% for men).


"Faced with violence against women, we must act from childhood", announces Isabelle Rome, the new Minister for Gender Equality


Euro 2022: The fight for equal pay between women and men is progressing, but very slowly

  • Company

  • gender equality

  • Wage inequalities

  • Davos

  • Economy

  • salary

  • Gender