• Psychology My partner makes me feel bad

  • Psychology How to detect a perverse narcissist

Since we are children we are warned by stories.

The wicked exist: the wolf, the ogre, the witch, etc.

In the comics, every superhero has his villain, the Joker, Magneto, Penguin.

But since the good guys always win and the heroes save humanity,

we take it for granted that the bad guys will come out on top and get what they deserve


What happens in reality?

The bad guys of flesh and blood go unnoticed for a long time

, they are great seducers and take advantage of our kindness to do their thing.

They do not receive their punishment because, often, we are excessively lenient thinking about their reasons for committing the offenses, ignoring the obvious: their

abusive behavior and the damage caused


In recent times, perhaps due to the uncertainty of the pandemic, the war or the warning of the economic crisis, there is an increase in people who tell stories of the

creepy behavior of evil men in disguise

, who exercise real violence in everyday life without any qualms.


At first, as Little Red Riding Hood, no one notices the

malevolent manipulation


Emotional empathy -the one that puts us in the place of the other- is activated in the amygdala and leads to compassion quickly.

"Pobrecito has a bad time" is our allegation.

They make us feel sorry.

They know it,

they are charming


They are so candid that you want to help them.

Soon you begin to notice some

slight hostile action,

innuendos, lies, small humiliations, insignificant touches or you get a cut with the precision of a scalpel, but with a big smile.

The second part begins, now the intention is to destabilize you.

When you insinuate that he has hurt you, the stage of

'victimism' begins

, that is, he plays the victim, a form of manipulation through which he takes offense, shows himself to be susceptible or suggests that you suffer from some type of delirium.

They can treat them badly, you can never treat them.

In the third stage

, the fault is always yours

and ends up making you responsible for everything that happened.

The goal is to undermine your self-esteem.

At that moment you doubt yourself, you think "isn't it me who invented all this?"

This psychic confusion is aggravated by the denial of some friends and relatives who tell you: "It's not worth being in a bad way for that" or "He's unpresentable, forget him".


the moral destruction has begun


now you decide to be cordial in the hope that it will placate him.

A wrong expectation because they perceive your kindness as weakness and this activates their cruelty.

Hate and love share brain circuits


Researchers at the University of London studying

the neural circuitry of hate

found that they were

the same as those of romantic love


With a small peculiarity: while the romantics deactivate the cortex, the thinking part of the brain, and lose their minds for the loved one, the 'haters', the haters, hyperactivate the areas of thought, possibly to better devise the damage.

Therefore, perversity is born from a mental bias that supposes, not only that the other is wrong, but also acts against him with bad intention, to harm him because he is dishonest and petty, which justifies mistrust and validates the possible attack. .

The victim comes to consultation due to

lack of self-esteem, insecurity, insomnia, anxiety, depression or suicidal ideation


They complain about their partners, partners or relatives, but they are not aware of the underground violence they are suffering, nor do they dare to "speak ill of them" because they feel scared, guilty or ashamed!

It is a

psychological suicide because the

impossible desire

is installed to be consoled by the one who hurts him.


A vignette on the web represents the


lying on the couch: "

Doctor, I try to be good, but I can't, why?"

, he tells a


who responds with a puzzled gesture.

They are not sick, they do not suffer from personality disorders, nor has there always been great suffering or abuse in their history.

Science has been looking for the evil gene for a long time.

We know that there are biological and psychological circumstances that favor these individuals with "zero empathy" beings, selfish, unscrupulous and ruthless.

It is best to identify them in time because, with them,

love does not work miracles


They are the

Dark Triad

, a term coined in 2002 by psychologists Delroy Paulhus and Kevin Williams of the University of British Columbia.

Narcissists, psychopaths and Machiavellians


The same individual can show one of these traits or have them all combined.


Thanks to the story of Snow White, her stepmother and hers "Mirror, mirror who is the most beautiful in the kingdom" we know that there are people who do not hesitate to despise and corner anyone who can overshadow them.

A narcissist is

hungry for admiration and approval

, but they do so by skinning those next to them.

If you feel like a worm you have one nearby


An arrogant young doctor worked in the office of a renowned senior doctor.

When the doctor fell ill, she did not hesitate to try to keep the business.

When she returned recovered, the wicked used all the means at her disposal to discredit her, including false accusations.

"My only crime is not having died," says the relieved doctor.


Ursula, from the Little Mermaid, is an example of those who want to turn other people into objects of their property.

For this they do not hesitate to look for your vulnerable point: your deepest desires.

They have no compassion, because to have it would be to consider another as a human being.

They transgress any limit to feel powerful


They are skilled at reading your mind (cognitive empathy it's called) to do more refined damage.

A man asked a squatter to enter the empty apartment owned by his ex-wife, knowing that she was trying to sell it.

He also gave her the instruction to play dead if she came in so he could "attack her like it was an accident."


Little Red Riding Hood's wolf is the Machiavellian who deceives and lies while "he gilds the pill for you."

Beneath their harmless and benevolent demeanor,

they are cold, calculating, and only pursue their interests.

Just because hate wears a smile doesn't mean it's any less harmful, it's "cold anger," according to psychologist K. Scherer.

Camouflaged as "granny" they have big teeth to eat you better.

An employee with this trait is late, harasses his co-worker as she doesn't hesitate to point out his "so-called faults" with him, and is charming to his superiors.

The victim is silent for fear of losing his job.

The dehumanization of the other, the lack of suffering (without guilt there is no repentance), the self-justification and that they are the first to ask for compassion are



Each one of us can occasionally use an evil process, in moments of anger or injury, but immediately we change register.

What makes them harmful is the frequency and repetition of their destructive behaviors over time that can directly affect the identity of the victim.


It seems that

our society does not perceive indirect violence


We don't have good sensors for bad integrated across the board.

On a day-to-day basis, under the idea of ​​respecting freedom, we may not perceive situations, even serious ones, that are happening.

Moreover, they seem to have a superpower, that of manipulating in a natural way, which seems like a good asset in a world such as politics or business.

The victim can be easily forgotten.

How much would we gain if we put limits on them right away and their behavior didn't work

for them , they simply wouldn't use it, but we only get outraged when they appear in the media presented and amplified.

"There can be only one good in evil:

the shame of having done it

" said Seneca.


What to do if you are a victim

Identify the evil process

Accumulate evidence

defend yourself

set clear limits

Learn to say "no"

Put aside the "goodness" and be self-affirming

Ask for support from a security circle

If you can establish "zero contact"

Ask for professional help, it is almost always necessary


is a psychologist and director of EnPositivo Sí.

Conforms to The Trust Project criteria

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  • joker