Yolanda Díaz did not hide her gesture of surprise and disorientation at Sánchez's speech in the State of the Nation Debate.

Not only because Sánchez had not previously shared the measures with her -or with anyone from Podemos- but because Sánchez was directly seizing

emblematic demands of the sector located to the left of the PSOE


Neither in Italy nor anywhere has an extraordinary tax on banks been justified due to the rise in interest rates, which is nothing more than

the return to normality after a decade of expansive monetary policy that largely explains this inflationary crisis.

It is also foreseeable that banks and energy companies pass on the demagogic rates with which the Government points out its guilt in the general impoverishment.


Sánchez's Peronist turn

He does not pursue social improvements so much as mending his alliances battered by wear and tear with coarse and ruinous ideology.

Sumar, Díaz's platform, was born sabotaged by the friendly fire of Iglesias, the suspicion of ERC and the programmatic usurpation of Sánchez.

The president shrinks the space and at the same time cuts off his withdrawal

in case Díaz weighed the rupture to launch his force autonomously.

Sánchez thus seeks to ensure the exhaustion of the legislature, which is his only interest.

The price of this tacticism is a radical drift that we will all pay.

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