Unlike heatstroke, the mortality rate is higher—

High temperature for days, beware of heat stroke

  At 14:30 on July 13, the temperature at Xujiahui Station in Shanghai reached 40.9°C, tying the highest temperature record since local meteorological records (since 1873).

"Chongqing Museum has been heated", "Electric fans have turned into hair dryers", "Man suffers from heat stroke and multiple organs are damaged as if they had been boiled"... In the past few days, various topics about high temperature have frequently appeared on the Internet. Search.

According to reports, in the past week, Zhejiang has continued to have high temperatures, and consecutive heatstroke patients have been sent to the hospital. Many people have been diagnosed with heat stroke and have died.

  It turns out that "hot dead" is not just casually said.

So what is heat stroke?

  "Simple understanding, the most dangerous and serious degree of heat stroke is heat stroke. The normal body temperature fluctuation range is very narrow, and the cells that make up the human body can only survive and perform normal physiological functions at around 37 ° C. The high temperature of the human body continues at 42 When the temperature is above ℃, there will be protein denaturation, function inactivation, etc., and even cell necrosis. In severe cases, some organs will fail, which is life-threatening." Zhang Xiangyang, director of the emergency department of Beijing Tsinghua Chang Gung Hospital, told reporters. , the mortality rate of heat stroke is very high, up to 40% to 50%, and for people over 50 years old, the mortality rate even reaches about 70%.

  Understanding heat stroke is inseparable from the keyword "heat stroke".

  According to the "Expert Consensus on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Heat Stroke in China", heat stroke is a serious and fatal disease caused by heat factors acting on the body. It refers to the imbalance between heat production and heat dissipation caused by exposure to heat or strenuous exercise. It means that the core temperature is increased by more than 40 °C, and the central nervous system is abnormal, such as mental state changes, convulsions or coma, and is accompanied by multiple organ damage, which is life-threatening in severe cases.

  Who are susceptible to heat stroke?

"The climate of high temperature and humidity and high-intensity physical activity are the main pathogenic factors." Zhang Xiangyang introduced that classic heat stroke is common in young people, pregnant women and the elderly, as well as those with chronic underlying diseases or impaired immune function For individuals, the adverse effects of a heat wave on human function may last for about 1 week.

"There is also a type of labor-type heat stroke. People who perform high-intensity exercise and labor in a high temperature and high humidity environment are more likely to be recruited. The heat generated by the body's activities and the heat dissipation barrier exceed the range of human body temperature regulation, which eventually leads to serious consequences. Commonly seen in Healthy young people exercising vigorously in summer."

  "The development of heat stroke is a process." Zhang Xiangyang pointed out that heat stroke will develop from premonitory heat stroke, mild heat stroke to severe heat stroke, which is what we call heat stroke. At this time, in addition to the symptoms of heat stroke, patients are also accompanied by heat cramps , heat exhaustion, coma, or shock.

  "Three heat strokes are mainly manifested by headache, dizziness, sweating, fatigue, inability to concentrate, etc. At this time, you should quickly get out of the high temperature and high humidity environment, go to a cool and ventilated place to lie down, and avoid high-intensity exercise and heavy physical labor. If possible, take a rest in an air-conditioned room, remove clothing as much as possible to help dissipate heat, and replenish salt-containing cool drinks in time, which can be effectively relieved.” Zhang Xiangyang explained that if the premonitory heatstroke is not detected and treated in time, it will progress to mild In the event of heat stroke, the body temperature increases significantly—often higher than 38°C, accompanied by flushing and profuse sweating.

At this time, if timely treatment and treatment are given, the condition can still be quickly relieved, but if it is not paid attention to and develops to severe heatstroke, the condition will deteriorate sharply and the prognosis will be poor.

  What serious hazards will there be?

"The central nervous system is the first to bear the brunt. Typical symptoms are disturbance of consciousness or even coma. Convulsions may also occur. CT examination shows cerebral edema." Zhang Xiangyang said, and it will also cause multiple organ failures, such as liver and kidney failure, coagulation function failure, rhabdomyolysis, etc.

  Zhang Xiangyang reminded that we must increase the vigilance of the symptoms of threatened heat stroke, and timely identify and avoid the aggravation and development of the disease.

Secondly, we should pay attention to the relatively frail special groups such as the elderly and children. They may dress tightly in summer, and may even be reluctant to blow air conditioners because they are afraid of catching a cold, resulting in heat stroke. The symptoms of such people are relatively hidden and difficult to detect.

There are even reports of mothers confinement in summer who do not turn on the air conditioner and cover up tightly, leading to family tragedies.

  "Heat stroke, the focus is on prevention!" For labor-type heat stroke, Zhang Xiangyang suggested that protection should be done when outdoor activities are necessary. It is best to have a gradual adaptation process, and avoid going directly from cool areas (such as air-conditioned rooms) to high temperatures. Outdoor area activities.

"Also pay attention to adding water and salt, or sports drinks containing electrolytes." Once it is suspected that heatstroke occurs under high temperature and high humidity conditions, be sure to leave the high temperature and high humidity environment, such as entering an air-conditioned room, and rub your body with warm cold water to cool down. , In case of coma, seek medical attention immediately.

Zhang Xiangyang reminded that the increase in body temperature caused by heat stroke is not a "fever" in the usual sense, so "antipyretics" in the usual sense should not be used.

  (Our reporter Cui Xingyi, our correspondent Nan Ziyu)