5 minutes

What we can do to stop climate change (2)


Alaa Jarad


12 July 2022

Today we continue to review the most important steps and practices that can be taken by individuals in order to contribute to stopping climate change, and the fifth step is to preserve green spaces and not cut trees, as they absorb carbon dioxide and reduce the pollution process, and if we can plant more Trees, and if not, then at least plant some plants in our residence, or on the roofs of houses or balconies, a simple act like this has a great impact, and there are organizations in European countries that help people plant trees, such as Woodland, and in some Arab countries help municipalities And local councils to provide the public with free seedlings and plants.

Sixth: Discussing this issue and publishing even simple practices that we do. The United Nations has launched a website and a very practical application https://www.un.org/en/actnow that contains important and practical information, and there are more than seven million subscribers so far registered Each of them did something, like walking or using public transportation instead of taking a car.

Seventh: Not to waste food, and to cook and eat only the necessary amount, and what is more than that can be donated to those who need it, and many initiatives have appeared recently to preserve grace and not waste food, and here in the area where I live in Scotland, some young people have made an application that enables them to During which you announce that you have an extra meal, or even any food item, even a bag of bread, and volunteers will come to receive it immediately, and it will be delivered to those who deserve it or to the widespread food banks, and I wish if this idea was implemented in every neighborhood, village and city in our Arab world, because such This behavior is not only for the sake of climate change, but our religion urges us to do so and not to waste food, and we should not waste food when we have neighbors who need it.

Eighth: For those who can switch to electric cars instead of fuel-powered cars, this will greatly contribute to improving the quality of the environment, and here government policies and administrations play a big role, as owners of electric cars are encouraged through obtaining tax and banking facilities.

Ninth: Following the principles of circular economy or the concept of minimalism, which is based on four axes: “reduce, recycle, reuse and repair,” that is, repairing devices or collectibles instead of buying new ones, reusing bags and bottles, for example, and even buying used collectibles, and this needs a change in Culture, as some consider it a defect, and making sure to buy items that can be recycled and disposed of in designated places.

Tenth: Buy local products as much as possible, even if the quality is somewhat lower, and not only local at the state level, but local at the city or village level, as local products do not need shipping, and therefore the carbon footprint is much lower, and at the same time encourage products The local economy has a great impact on the economy from all sides, and I regret to see some people bragging about that they only buy imported products.

Encouraging local products has a significant impact on the economy in all aspects.



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