How do other people see him as an adult chicken baby?

  Chicken babies have commonalities and new characteristics that resonate in families, colleges, and workplaces

  face of youth

  The imprint of more than ten years of education and training has subtly affected the adult generation of chickens and babies, with grass snakes and gray lines, and pulses for thousands of miles.

  Although this kind of influence is difficult to define simply at the moment, some commonalities and new characteristics of chicken babies have gradually emerged, resonating in families, colleges and the workplace.

  We try to understand the "new interaction" between adult chickens and society from multiple perspectives.

  family parents say

  In order to make up for my regret, I also regretted the chicken baby

  Before reconciling with herself, Judy (pseudonym) reconciled with her parents.

She admitted that during her school days, her relationship with her parents was not good, and a large part of the reason was caused by "chicken".

  Being asked to learn foreign languages ​​from kindergarten, in fact, has the subjective consciousness of parents in it.

Judy's father's foreign language is not good, and he thinks it has affected his career, so he doesn't want his daughter to fall in foreign languages ​​too.

  The mother's consciousness runs through Judy's study life.

Judy said that when she grew up, she felt that the elders of the family had a patriarchal idea, and in order to break this concept, her mother was determined to cultivate Judy into a child that the whole family envied, in order to prove that "who said women than men."

So my mother was a stay-at-home mom for a long time, focusing on Judy.

  Judy's parents had the opportunity to go to high school and were able to go to college, but they chose secondary school because of the social and family environment at that time, which made them regret, and letting their children go to college is the best way to make up for this regret. Way.

  After experiencing the torture of "mathematics, physics and chemistry" in junior high school, the mother also felt her daughter's unhappiness. Since Judy went to high school, her mother has consciously helped her decompress.

Especially after Judy suffered from severe depression, her mother even felt remorse.

  Not long ago, Judy talked to her mother about continuing to study for a Ph.D., and her mother specifically said: Don't put too much pressure on yourself, if you really can't pass the exam, find a job.

  "It is said that the family of origin will affect a child's life. Later, I read a lot of books and recalled my own experience, and it was true." Judy said that at first she had a bad relationship with her parents, but after she figured it out, she began to understand how parents Everything I did myself, "I can reconcile with them, but I can't change myself. After more than ten years of study, my character has been shaped. If I want to adjust myself, I can only take it slowly."

  Sometimes Judy wonders what it would be like to be a mother herself.

She felt that she would never force her children to be happy.

But on second thought, if you really do that, is it just like your parents, just to make up for your regrets?

  The child asks to "report to class" by himself, sometimes I am also very worried

  In the eyes of Li Li (pseudonym), the daughter is a typical "chicken baby", but as parents, they have never "chicken" a daughter, but the daughter "chicken herself".

  Li Li said that during her daughter's growth, she and her husband did not interfere too much in their studies, except that they had certain requirements on their children's conduct.

  Li Li recalled that the only time she was bothered about her daughter's studies was when her daughter was in the fifth grade of elementary school. At that time, her daughter's math score was not very good. Li Li took out her daughter's math book and personally made up for her for two weeks.

  Since then, my daughter seems to be enlightened. Not only has her grades improved, but her interest in learning has also developed.

  Later, Li Li also enrolled her daughter in remedial classes in chemistry and mathematics, but it was all her own request.

Although the scores are already enviable, the daughter feels that she can improve in the two subjects of chemistry and mathematics, and strive to get full marks.

  Li Li certainly supports her daughter's idea. She doesn't have to worry too much, her daughter's grades are good, and she also demands better.

It's just that sometimes Li Li is a little worried about whether her daughter is so "rolled", will it be too stressful.

  Li Li said that when her daughter was in high school, in a key middle school in Beijing, the students around her were very hardworking. She went to bed at eleven or twelve in the evening and woke up at four or five in the morning to study. Under the circumstances, the daughter will be depressed or even depressed.

  Li Li often enlightens her daughter, and also helps her to unload her psychological burden, such as taking her daughter to travel and enjoy vacation after the exam.

"My daughter wants to learn by herself. Of course we can't hold back, but I do worry about her sometimes. Fortunately, she got good grades after the exam, and her pressure is released."

  Li Li said that her daughter's mentality may be related to her childhood living environment.

On the one hand, my daughter's grandparents and father are top students from Tsinghua University, and the whole family is "student tyrants". Therefore, the friends around her are also children with good grades and strong learning initiative.

This allows her to develop a sense of self-learning from an early age.

  On the other hand, before primary school, the daughter went to kindergarten in the United States, and the daughter also has a strong self-awareness.

  In addition, the relatively open atmosphere of the whole family is also of great benefit to Li Li's daughter.

  Li Li said that the communication between her and her daughter has always been very good. They have a common language, and they will talk about their favorite TV series and discuss common social topics.

If her daughter has any difficulties in learning, she will express it and find a solution by herself. As a mother, Li Li only needs to give support.

  Li Li said that she also has "chicken baby" friends around her, but she feels that no matter how "chicken" it is, it is impossible to "chicken" an academically mediocre child into a genius. Every child is still different. education method.

"My youngest son, for example, is totally different from his sister. He's smarter than her sister, but lazier, so we can take care of it a little more."

  At first, this kind of "stocking" mentality towards her daughter also made Li Li tangled, worried that her daughter could not compare with those "chicken babies". worried.

  Now, Li Li's daughter has gone to college at UCLA, and every time she makes a video, she can feel that her daughter is very happy.

  college counselor says

  Chicken baby parents will fill in their volunteers just like buying a house

  Xinzhou (pseudonym) is born in 1995. After graduating from Peking University, Xinzhou decided to work as a counselor in a college.

He said half-jokingly, "If you can't roll it, just be a salted fish."

  In close contact with the post-00s and post-05 students, he saw the involution of the younger generation and the real status of "being a chicken baby".

He sighed, "Children today are much worse than I was back then."

  "The parents of the post-00s are probably post-70s. Although they have not experienced education and training, their educational experience tells them that 'you can get through the test'. They have achieved success in this way, so they are willing to use this experience." Xinzhou said.

  Not only in scores, but also in quality improvement.

Xinzhou said, "Now parents are equally utilitarian in cultivating their children's skills."

  The college where Xinzhou works is ranked very high in the school, which allows him to contact more students with excellent grades, and also makes Xinzhou realize that many students are pushed by good grades and become good students all the way, but they do not know How to choose the direction of life.

  This is even more obvious when applying for volunteers.

  "Many parents feel that their children's scores cannot be wasted." Xinzhou said that he has seen too many such examples: a student wants to study physics or geography, and the score of 700 in the college entrance examination is much higher than the ideal score line, and parents will take the score at this time. The highest professional newspaper volunteer - just like buying a house with a budget of 10 million yuan, not choosing the most suitable one among all the options, but choosing the one with the fastest appreciation.

  Faced with such a situation, Xinzhou will do appropriate work for the students.

"Probably because every penny is paid too much. If you think about the tuition fees in the heyday of teaching and training, every penny is expensive."

  Education and training practitioners say

  Don't let your kids get caught in a "chicken-baby arms race"

  Mr. Guo was born in 1994 and has been fighting in the front line of education for 10 years.

And his "extracurricular life" lasted for 20 years.

  I have experienced the craziest expansion and ending of education and training.

Now he works as a teacher in a public school.

Switching roles, let him reflect on education itself through education and training - what attitude should we take to educate the next generation?

  He has seen many parents who are anxious and crazy. "Students' parents anxiously talk about their children's learning. The 60-second WeChat voice can speak 3 pages one by one."

  In 2017, education and training fully entered the stage of online courses.

In the live broadcast room during the summer vacation, Xiao Guo took 10 classes a day in a row, and his physical condition declined significantly, in exchange for a monthly income of tens of thousands of yuan.

  When it comes to the various confusions faced by "chicken babies coming of age", Mr. Guo's reflection is more on the children's previous generation - their parents.

  "We see a lot of parents who don't have a chicken baby. They make up for their regrets in life. When they are self-consistent, they won't be anxious looking at other people's chicken children, and they won't let their children fall into the chicken baby arms race."

  Workplace high-level talk

  Chicken baby adult children have strong learning ability

  But the turnover rate is also high

  In the graduation season, as the first batch of post-00s entered the workplace, a generation that grew up with education and training appeared in the workplace.

Will the educational experience of "being a chicken baby" affect this group of newcomers in the workplace?

What changes will it bring to the workplace?

With these questions in mind, a reporter from Beijing Youth Daily interviewed Ming Lei, Assistant Vice President of New Oriental Future Overseas.

In Ming Lei's view, strong learning ability and high turnover rate of young people in the workplace are the positive and negative sides of this young generation.

The influence of parents has become one of the main reasons for leaving, and it is also a new phenomenon in the workplace.

  Young people will learn from authoritative experience first

  Don't want your work to be wasted

  Beiqing Daily: The post-00 generation is entering the workplace for the first time. Do you think the growth experience of being a chicken will affect their workplace performance?

  Minglei: There will be.

Most of the newcomers in the workplace we are in contact with are those who graduated from graduate school in 1998 and 1999 (hereinafter referred to as 9899).

The good thing is that they are really good at learning.

They will find a set of authoritative theories in their work to support their work.

  For example, the business we are in charge of is studying abroad. Not long ago, we planned to design a set of scoring criteria to evaluate the soft power of quality education of students.

At that time, we found two new colleagues in 9899 to make a draft. Because it was a draft, the team's request was "from scratch, just hurry up".

Two young people found the "Global Competency" training system of Harvard University and Tsinghua University, collected a very complete knowledge system, and gave us a report - but it was much later than expected.

  But this thing touched me a lot.

The post-7080 generation pays more attention to getting started when looking at problems and doing things.

But young people will learn from authoritative experience first, and they will also think about how to find more theoretical support if others question us. They do not want the results of their work to be wasted.

  "Parent's Opinion"

  High percentage of reasons for leaving

  Beiqing Daily: Has anyone had a weak workplace performance because of "being raised by a chicken baby"?

  Ming Lei: 9899 newcomers have a higher turnover rate than before.

We found that some young people encountered minor setbacks and disappointments in the unit, and went home and complained to their parents.

  In the past, parents born in the 1980s and 1990s would definitely persuade their children to be patient. Now some parents will directly say, otherwise we will quit the job and not suffer from this grievance—this new colleague will really leave in two days.

  In this class of newcomers in the workplace, we can see that the arrangements of parents have a profound and lasting impact.

We have a lot of returnee colleagues, who were assigned to take overseas exams in high school, and were assigned to go to foreign universities. After returning to China, their parents arranged to settle down, arrange jobs, and arrange to buy a house. Said that "parents' opinions" accounted for a large proportion of the reasons for leaving.

  More focus on quality improvement

  is the trend

  Beiqing Daily: As a manager, what career advice would you give these young people?

  Minglei: Lifelong learning, global vision and independent personality. Independent personality is an important part of human growth.

  Beiqing Daily: How should managers adjust their management thinking when "the generation of chicken babies" enters the workplace?

  Ming Lei: In fact, every generation of young people born in the 90s and 95s and 00s have put forward new requirements for managers, and the reverse requires us to constantly adjust ourselves.

  To do management, in the past, only professional ability and management level were tested. Now, the important indicator to measure leadership after 00 is personality charm.

The issues they are concerned about are also very specific. The new generation of professionals in the workplace regard the overall career development pattern that leaders talk about as a big picture. Relatively easy.

  There is also a long-term problem. For example, there are many people who follow Yu Minhong after 8090. After 00, they will regard Dong Yuhui as a spiritual idol, but soon they will find the next charismatic idol, which requires managers You must always learn and improve yourself.

  Beiqing Daily: When it comes to rectification of education and training, what do you think?

  Minglei: Internally, we think this is also the general trend, a path many developed countries have taken.

After the era of changing fate with book knowledge, it should be a general trend to pursue moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic, and applied social practice and pay more attention to quality improvement.

  Text/Reporter Zhang Zhiyi Zhang Ziyuan

  Coordinator/Drawing by Zhang Bin/Niu Xiumin