Nearly 80% of the interviewed college students have paid attention to new majors

  The interviewed college students are most concerned about the development prospects, employment situation and market integration of new majors

  This year, a number of colleges and universities announced new majors in their high-admission policies.

The new major represents the social development trend and the demand field for future talents, but at the same time, the depth of discipline training and the market integration of the new major also make many candidates worry.

Are these college students concerned about new majors?

What issues do they care about?

  Last week, a survey of 1,807 college entrance examination candidates conducted by the Social Survey Center of China Youth Daily and showed that 79.6% of the interviewed college candidates paid attention to new majors.

For new majors, development prospects, employment situation, and the degree of integration with the market are the aspects that the interviewed college candidates generally pay attention to.

  Among the interviewed college students, 9.4% from Northeast China, 24.6% from East China, 19.9% ​​from North China, 15.7% from Central China, 16.8% from South China, 10.1% from Southwest China, and 10.1% from Northwest China. accounted for 3.5%.

  79.6% of the interviewed college students have paid attention to new majors

  Zhou Xuankai is a college entrance examination candidate in Central China this year, with a score of 553.

I filled out a military academy that was approved in advance, but because I did not pass the interview, I participated in the first batch of volunteer applications.

He introduced that when he filled out the volunteer application for the second time, he learned about the new majors involved in several colleges and universities that he was interested in. "I comprehensively compared several new majors, and finally filled in a new major in Guizhou University."

  Zhu Minrui, a college student from Hebei Province, introduced that she noticed that in one of her favorite colleges, there was a major that had just opened for a year, and last year's admission score was not high in the college, "I originally wanted to rush to this school. , choose a new major, but worry about the unknown. The first batch of students are still in their freshman year, and they don’t know about the discipline training and employment situation, and they still didn’t apply.”

  This year, many colleges and universities have announced a new batch of new majors.

79.6% of the interviewed college students have paid attention to related new majors.

The results of the interactive analysis showed that the students in the northeast region (85.3%) paid the most attention, followed by the northwest region (82.8%).

  Chen Nan is a science college student in Henan Province. His college entrance examination score this year exceeded the first-line by 24 points.

He told reporters that he did not have clear preferences and persistent goals in volunteering, and he mainly used an application for volunteering to fill in the report. Learn more".

He admitted that there is too little information about the new major, which makes it more difficult for him to make a decision.

  Yu Xiaolu, a third-year student at Wuhan Textile University, felt that the publicity of new majors by colleges and the media was not deep enough.

"And there are many hot majors every year, which have overwhelmed candidates, and new majors are often easily ignored."

She said frankly that when she volunteered at the time, her attention was also drawn to popular majors, and she did not pay attention to understanding new majors.

  The interviewed college students are most concerned about the development prospects, employment situation and market integration of new majors

  Zhou Xuankai said that he is most concerned about the disciplinary development prospects and faculty strength of the new major he has filled in, and he is also very concerned about the academic level of the school in the new major, "such as the rate of guaranteeing graduate studies, the situation of direct doctoral studies, etc. Although it is only a freshman year, But I think it should be considered in the long-term. The college has strong professional strength, and it is more secure in terms of research and employment.”

  At the same time, he also felt that there was very little information about the newly established majors, and it was difficult for students to do their homework alone.

"I hope that colleges and universities can give a detailed introduction to the development prospects of the majors, corresponding market positions, and student training programs."

  Chen Zhiwen, editor-in-chief of China Education Online and academic member of the China Education Development Strategy Society, said that in recent years, colleges and universities have opened new majors every year, and it has even become a "fashionable" phenomenon.

"There are many new majors now, such as the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, blockchain, smart agriculture, smart transportation, etc. Some new majors have very high requirements for school teachers and students. For example, artificial intelligence, it is an interdisciplinary, It requires high academic ability of students.”

He reminded candidates that if they want to consider filling out a new major, they must have a full understanding of the discipline settings and requirements.

  For new majors, what aspects do college students care more about?

The survey shows that the development prospect (67.4%) is the most concerned, followed by the employment situation (60.9%).

Other aspects mainly include: subject teaching planning (39.8%), rich academic resources (38.0%), professional practice opportunities (31.4%), proportion of theoretical and practical settings (29.1%), existing research results of the subject (22.1%) ), the advanced level of the discipline (20.2%).

  China Youth Daily, China Youth Daily reporter Du Yuanchun intern Chen Yajun Source: China Youth Daily

  July 07, 2022 Version 10