College Graduation and Employment Series Talk

  Out of touch with social needs, making it difficult for companies to recruit workers and students to find jobs

  In 2022, a total of 10.76 million college graduates across the country will hit a record high. Coupled with the impact of the epidemic, the employment situation is extremely severe.

However, the difficulties are also relative. It is not appropriate to talk about the employment of college students in general, and it is necessary to conduct a specific analysis of the diversion of graduates.

  Generally speaking, graduates generally fall into four categories: the first category is postgraduate, public or postgraduate students. They do not pursue temporary employment. If they are not admitted, they will choose to study or recharge first.

The second category is that they have a relatively good family background, do not worry about the source of income, or do not have a clear sense of life orientation and goals, and they lack a sense of urgency for employment.

The third category, although subjectively active in job hunting, often falls into the embarrassing situation of not being able to succeed, and as a result, they are in a state of unemployed.

The fourth category is those who are truly motivated to engage in employment.

These people are the ones who should really pay attention.

  It is understood that the current promotion of graduate employment in major colleges and universities mainly includes providing employment guidance and organizing job fairs. The school mobilized teachers to help students find employment and other new measures.

  However, some students reported that although the school has set up career guidance courses, there is a serious shortage of career guidance teachers, and they often only talk in general terms.

Students rarely have the opportunity to visit industry companies related to their majors, and have little knowledge of industry dynamics.

On the other hand, more students live a three-point and one-line life of dormitory-classroom-library, and there are very few practice classes or inspection classes in the fields and production lines, and the proportion is extremely low.

  As a college sociology teacher, I have always felt that students should often go out of school, walk into the vivid daily life, pay attention to their surroundings and "nearby", and combine classroom theory with real life.

The public elective course "Urban Social Life" that I teach is aimed at third-year students of various majors in the school. In the first class, I threw out some familiar local names or some unique phenomenon, so that I have been there or learned about it. The students raised their hands, and the result surprised me. More than half of the students had limited knowledge and understanding of the local area.

  The demand for students to carry out practical courses is very strong, and I am equally strong, but unfortunately some unreasonable and unscientific constraints make this more difficult.

As a result, students have little knowledge of real social needs and business performance, which inevitably weakens their practical ability.

The disconnection between theory and practice, the disconnection between teaching and training syllabus and training programs and social needs, and the inability or difficulty of graduates to meet the needs of enterprises in a short period of time are the important reasons for the coexistence of difficulty in recruiting and finding jobs.

  As we all know, the employment rate is related to the survival and development of colleges and universities, and is an important indicator that school managers are chasing after each other. However, it is not appropriate to talk about the employment rate in abstract or general terms. The employment rate ranking and other practices, calmly accept the reality of slow employment, slow employment, etc., turn the increase of the overall employment rate to the increase of the net employment rate, and focus more attention on groups with strong employment willingness, so as to be targeted.

  Employment is a market behavior, and the all-round improvement of students’ personal comprehensive ability and quality is crucial to increasing the employment rate and improving the quality of employment.

From a macro perspective, schools need to continuously enrich teachers, reasonably improve the professional structure, adjust the ratio of theoretical and practical courses, and balance book knowledge and social knowledge, professional knowledge and general knowledge, so as to cultivate a compound and comprehensive knowledge that meets the development needs of the new era. Developmental talents.

  At the micro level, schools should be committed to building a closer school-enterprise cooperation relationship and normalizing school-enterprise cooperation.

Encourage more management personnel of employers to enter the campus, enter the classroom, become part-time tutors, teach them face-to-face what kind of talents they need, and teach students some real skills and abilities.

For students in lower grades, it is necessary for schools to help them clarify their future employment or further education direction, implement classified training, and carry out career planning and employment guidance for students who are ready for direct employment after graduation.

Especially for the majors with strong practicality, the internship or practice should be arranged in advance, rather than starting the work in the fourth or third year.

  Of course, students do not necessarily have to try to plan the future vision or development blueprint clearly and clearly from the very beginning. Appropriate trial and error and exploration are also positive.

Moreover, it is very important to recognize yourself, and it is more important to find the one that suits you, rather than blindly conforming to the crowd. When you see people around you take postgraduate entrance examinations and public examinations, you follow them blindly, which delays other job opportunities.

Thinking more about "what am I good at", "what potential or potential do I have", "what job am I suitable for" and "what are my weaknesses" on weekdays will help improve employability.

  Yao Huasong Source: China Youth Daily

  July 06, 2022 Edition 07