You were buying a kilo of apricots at the Quimiac market (Loire-Atlantique) when you caught his eye.

A few clumsy words, embarrassed smiles and it was the start of a great adventure.

Or you were in the charcuterie section of Leclerc de Royan (Charente-Maritime) when you noticed that a magnificent creature was hesitating between two brands of ham.

The opportunity to fly to his rescue.

And maybe more.

For our summer series "Funny place for a meeting", we are looking for your original testimonials.

Did you meet your holiday crush while shopping?

Tell us, even if it didn't happen!

Where did this happen ?

How old were you?

Did you want to meet someone at that time or did it come to you by surprise?

What were your first impressions of the person?

Who took the first step?

Did the adventure last?

  • Company

  • Summer holidays

  • Summer

  • Love

  • Meet

  • Stores