Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress attended the award ceremony of the Japan Academy Prize, which is given to researchers who have made outstanding achievements in the academic field.

Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress arrived at the Japan Academy Hall in Ueno, Tokyo, after 10:30 am on the 27th.

Ten people attended this award ceremony, and the Imperial Prize of the Japan Academy, which is given to outstanding achievements, revealed that the synapses of the cerebrum not only play a role in chemical transmission but also exercise according to the law. Haruo Kasai, a specially appointed professor of the International Research Organization, was selected.

At the award ceremony, the winners went out in front of Their Majesties and received a certificate, and their Majesties were applauded.

Following the ceremony, Their Majesties received explanations about their research from the award winners, and their Majesties asked, "Is there anything you still don't understand in the field of the brain?" Did you get interested in? "