On June 26, in the Xialun Lotus Scenic Spot in Baipeng Town, Liujiang District, Liuzhou City, Guangxi, the lotus flowers bloomed in the tens of thousands of acres of lotus ponds, attracting many tourists to come and watch.

Tourists stroll along the plank road surrounded by large green lotus leaves.

Against the backdrop of the sun, the blossoming lotus flowers are delicate.

There are as many as 35 species of lotus in the 10,000-acre lotus pond, and ornamental species such as space lotus, peony lotus, and nine-pin fragrant lotus will all be in full bloom in the near future.

  Baipeng Town is known as the "Hometown of Jade Lotus" in China, and the "lotus pond" culture has become an important part of its cultural tourism industry.

(Produced by Lin Xin and Liu Juncong, Liu Yinghan)

Responsible editor: [Fang Jialiang]