We all fall, children and adults, but while the former get up as if nothing happened, we adults can suffer serious consequences.

It is estimated that

more than 37 million people in the world each year suffer major falls requiring medical attention

, in which

fractures occur 10% of the time

and almost one million are fatal.

In our country, according to data managed by TK HOME Solutions, the leading company in stair lifts for the home,

one in three people over 65 years of age falls at least once a year


Falls occur

more frequently at home than in the street: eight out of 10 times they are due to tripping and in 20% of them there is a previous dizziness


And something else:

if someone falls down once, the probability of falling down again doubles


These are the most common risk factors for falling:

1. old age

From the age of 60, falls increase, and at a vertiginous rate with more than 79 years.

It is logical,

aging is associated with physical, cognitive and sensitive disorders, such

as vision and hearing problems, among others.

2. Some medications

Falls should always be reported to the doctor, even if they do not have significant effects, because

some medications can cause

them .

For example, antidepressants, certain painkillers, antihypertensives... Taking more than three drugs a day increases the risk.

3. Unseen obstacles

The home must gradually adapt to the physical conditions of those who inhabit it


Just as we remove dangerous objects so that children do not catch them, we must avoid risks as the years go by.

4. Lack of help

When you want to clean in difficult areas, access trunks or wash curtains, take precautions or, better yet, ask for help


Many people believe they are capable of continuing to do the same thing as always, but no one is exempt from having a fall that, at certain ages, can be very dangerous.

5. Being a woman or living alone

Women suffer three times more falls than men when they are older

and they suffer from osteoporosis to a greater extent, which makes them more vulnerable.

The percentage of risk of falls among people of both sexes who live alone also rises.

6. Have mobility problems

Those who use canes or walkers fall more often, as well as those who do not have stair

lifts or elevators in their homes to go up and down from one floor to another or save different levels.


In its general recommendations on physical activity, the World Health Organization advises older adults (65 years and older) to add activities designed to strengthen balance and coordination.

These are some of the exercises that we can do daily to achieve this:

On the couch.

Always try to get up from the sofa and sit down without using your hands and without throwing yourself suddenly (which improves balance and prolongs the life of the sofa).

Routine #6 of exercises for our elders, with Carolina Prato |


On the lame leg

Stand up straight, with your arms hanging along your body, and lift one foot, that is, stand on one foot.

Stay like this for 10 seconds, return to the starting position and do the exercise with the other leg.

Repeat 5 times on each side.

If necessary, the arms can be spread apart to help maintain balance.

Being on one leg is great and should be practiced at different times of the day, for example, while we brush our teeth, cook, etc.

Arm and leg.

Standing, with a chair to the left side to support one hand, raise the right arm straight towards the ceiling;

then raise the leg on the same side straight forward about 30º.

Do not close your eyes and do not cling to the chair, just lean slightly on it.

Wait like this for 10 seconds, repeat 5 times and change sides.


Put one foot in front of the other so that they are aligned: the tip of one foot just behind the heel of the other.

Try to walk like this in a straight line for a few steps.

In case you have to hold on, better to do it in the hallway, along the kitchen counter or in someone's hand.

Sit in an arm chair.

Always, just before sitting down, with the chair or armchair behind us, look for the armrests of the seat with your hands and slowly lower yourself with the strength of your legs, not your arms.

Get up the same way, supported, but with the impulse of the legs.

Repeat several times.

When progressing, it can be done with only one arm and, later, stand up and sit with your arms crossed over your chest, without supporting yourself with your hands.

Variations on the back of a chair.

Supported just with your hands on the back of a chair, raise your knees towards your chest, as if you were marching gracefully: one, another, one, another... Keep your trunk straight.

The most capable people will be able to do this kind of march without leaning on anything and with their arms extended in a cross.

Another great exercise is to lift each leg straight out to the side several times, keeping your body straight.

And the same stretching each leg straight back.

It is convenient to do 10 repetitions of each side and of each exercise.

On tiptoes and heels.

If necessary, with your hands on the back of a chair or on the wall and your body straight, stand on your toes and then lift the balls of your feet to support only your heels.

Routine #2 of exercises for our elders, with María Giner |


Walk weird.

Barefoot, move laterally moving the feet in parallel and in a zigzag;

that is, the tips of both feet are turned to the left and then both heels are supported to move towards the same side.

It can be done leaning on the broomstick.

It is a great exercise to strengthen the ankles, essential for stability.

You can also take a few steps to the left with the body in front and to the right, or crossing one foot in front and one behind, as in a dance step, or walk backwards.

Practice turns.

Stand between two chairs and support each hand on each backrest.

With your feet hip-width apart and your pelvis facing forward, rotate your trunk as far as possible toward one backrest and toward the other.

If this is easy, do the same on one foot.

Repeat 10 times on each side.

I put it on and take it off.

Older people often lose their balance when reaching for something.

That is why they should practice this exercise: stand in front of a large surface or two pieces of furniture, one on each side;

do it at a distance not too far nor too close, at which we reach by extending an arm.

Put to our left a large object like a box of clínex and a small object next to it, like the remote control of the TV.

Take the box safely and put it to the right side.

Do the same with the other object.

Switch sides several times using both arms.

If a cane is used, remain supported with one hand while turning the body from one side to the other to put things on and take them off with the hand that is free.


is essential to consult a professional about the advisability of starting a training program.

Also listen to the calls of our body and stop at any symptom of discomfort, dizziness or pain.

Conforms to The Trust Project criteria

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  • Fitness