School meals offered at low prices even as food prices continue to rise.

Meat and vegetables are so expensive, how do you manage them?

We asked the people who support school lunch about their ideas.

(Osaka Broadcasting Station reporter Yukiho Tomoda)

Faced with budget overrun

May consumer price index released by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.

“Food”, including fresh food, exceeded the same month last year by 4.1%.

This is the ninth consecutive month that we have surpassed last year.

School meals are also facing this soaring food price.

At school lunch sites in Osaka Prefecture, various measures are being taken to continue to provide lunch with a limited budget.

Of these, Sakai City has set a budget for school lunches for elementary schools this year as usual.

250 yen per meal for 3rd and 4th graders.

However, due to the unexpectedly high food price, it cost 265 yen per meal as of April.

Without sacrificing quality as much as possible

So now I'm reducing the amount of some vegetables a little.

It has cleared the standard of nutritional value required for school lunch.

It keeps costs down without significantly changing volume or nutritional value.

At the school lunch on June 24, the amount of potatoes used for rocky shore was reduced by 10% (5 grams per meal).

I tried to reproduce and compare the amount of the same menu as before, but I can not see much difference.

Many children still enjoyed school lunch.

In addition, local governments in Osaka Prefecture have taken such measures.

▽ In response to soaring wheat prices, we will reduce the number of bread days and increase the number of rice days.

▽ Use pork instead of beef.

▽ Use tofu instead of meat.

Grandpa and grandma in the village

On the other hand, some local governments have suppressed the impact of high prices through local production for local consumption.

Chihayaakasaka Village is the only village in Osaka.

Since 15 years ago, we have been purchasing vegetables at about 80% of the transaction price in the market with the cooperation of local farmers.

Although the purchase price fluctuates according to the market price, it is said that it will not be significantly affected by it.

On June 23, when we interviewed, 16 kg of potatoes, 13 kg of onions and 10 kg of cabbage were brought to the village lunch center.

This means that the annual cost is about 500,000 yen less than when all vegetables are purchased from the market.

The menu for this day was fried food and miso soup with plenty of potatoes and onions.

It was taken to three elementary and junior high schools in the village.

6th grade girl

"I'm happy to eat what the village grandpa and grandma make"

Chihayaakasaka Village nutrition teacher Etsuko Sakamoto

"It's becoming difficult to choose ingredients due to soaring prices, but you can buy cheaply. It's very helpful. The local produce is fresh and I want the children to like the local vegetables. "

In the future, national grants will also be available

The country is also working on measures.

In April, we announced to local governments nationwide that we could use the extraordinary grant of the new Corona for school lunches.

Many local governments in Osaka Prefecture want to use this grant.

However, the outlook for food prices is uncertain.

In order to continue to provide school lunches that are indispensable for the growth of children, it seems that ingenuity in the field will continue.

The words of a dietitian from a local government were particularly impressive.

"Children are already forced to" silent "in Corona. I don't want to make them sad anymore. I will do my best to make it."