Tips to reduce the risk of hearing loss

Hearing loss can occur at any age due to a number of factors, and is usually caused by exposure to loud sounds or noise.

Every day people are exposed to noise, examples of which are the hustle of traffic, the hum of machines, conversations between people, music, the sound of planes flying overhead, and others.

This noise may not be loud enough to interfere with daily routine or cause damage to the ear, but sometimes the noise is too loud, and some sounds can cause permanent damage.

Noise is measured based on decibel levels, a unit of measurement used to measure the loudness of something.

Generally speaking, noise below 70 decibels does not hurt the ears.

Damage can occur when the noise is above this level.

The higher the decibel level, the greater the damage to the ears.

As a general rule of thumb for measuring loudness, if you have to shout to be heard at arm's length by someone, you are exposed to a lot of noise.

However, over time, all the loud sounds you're regularly exposed to can affect your hearing.

Because hearing loss occurs gradually, people usually do not realize how much hearing they have lost over time.

Although noise-induced hearing loss usually cannot be restored, noticing changes may provide an opportunity to prevent further hearing loss.

According to the Mayo Clinic, it is a good idea to schedule a hearing examination when you notice any symptoms.

Here are some tips to improve hearing protection and prevent further loss:

Reduce your exposure to loud noises: Take breaks from prolonged exposure to loud noises.

Wear a hearing protector when joining loud activities: Find devices that fit your ears well, and be sure to wear a hearing protector all the time you're exposed to loud sounds.

Consider using appropriate earmuffs or wearing ear protectors and earplugs to further reduce noise.

This is useful, especially when using loud power tools or garden equipment.

Babies also need protection from noise: there are earmuffs specially designed for infants and toddlers.

- Do not operate multiple devices at the same time.

Installing sound-absorbing carpets.

Close windows and doors to prevent traffic noise.

In general, it's a good idea to have a hearing test by age 60 and every few years thereafter.