The hero of the old Soviet film "His Excellency's Adjutant", which was sold in quotes, an officer of the White Army, Colonel Shchukin, turns to a subordinate who brutally beat a prisoner with the question: "I doubt, second lieutenant, did you have a mother?"

The catchphrase “Did you have a mother”, despite the fact that biologically it could not have been, has become a marker that allows you to distinguish a person from an anti-human or post-human.

It separates the personality, based on the bonds of childhood, from the social mutant who does not know kinship, lives outside the ideas of good and evil, outside the red lines and coordinate system, capable of walking over corpses and not appreciating the lives of others.

The life that a loving, non-surrogate mother gives to a person.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi - one of the most influential world politicians and just a person who does not need to be asked the most important question: "Did you have a mother?" world, while congratulating his mother on her centenary.

Modi wrote a whole confession about the mother, filled with details from childhood, when their family lived in a tiny house that did not even have a window, not to mention such luxuries as a toilet or bathroom.

“We called this one-room house with adobe walls and clay tiles our home,” Modi recalls, describing how the roof leaked during the monsoons and their shack was knee-deep in water.

The main delicacy, when there was not enough food, was cakes and palm sugar, which his mother divided bit by bit for everyone.

After reading this text, which could only be written by a loving son and a devout Hindu, one can understand a lot about the Indian way of life with its austerity and sacred cow cult, which shocks someone, causing disgust, and admires someone as a defiant challenge to the Western world and cult. material luxury.

“Deficiency usually leads to stress.

However, my parents never let the anxiety of day-to-day life disturb the family atmosphere.

Mom loved to decorate the house and devoted a lot of time to cleaning it.

She smeared the floor with cow dung.

The cow dung cakes gave off a lot of smoke when they burned.

Mom cooked for them in our windowless house,” Modi shares her memories.

“Another habit of my mother that I always remember is her special attachment to living beings.

Every summer she set out water containers for the birds, and she made sure that the stray dogs around our house never went hungry.

Cows in our area were also entitled to their share.

Mother fed the cows with dried cakes, flavored them with homemade ghee,” he continues.

Narendra Modi's mother Hiraben Modi, who was born in a British colony a quarter of a century before the creation of an independent Indian state, is in good health, has retained her sobriety of mind and still helps her son manage a huge ship called the "Republic of India".

At critical moments, she finds words of blessing for him.

When Modi was not yet prime minister, but was the chief minister of the state of Gujarat, his mother said words to him that he would remember for a lifetime: “I don’t understand your work in government, but I just want you to never take bribes.”

And today, when people ask her if she is proud that her son became prime minister, Hiraben Modi says: “I am as proud as you are.

Nothing is mine.

I am just an instrument in the hands of God.”

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editors.