Early monitoring, early detection, early warning, early prevention and control——

  Home study, please put "eye protection" first


Ni Hailong Director of the Optometry Center of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine (Zhejiang University Eye Hospital)

Sun Wei Director of Optometry Center, Eye Hospital Affiliated to Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Ji Liu Dean of School of Physical Education and Health, East China Normal University

Xu Meiping, Attending Physician, Ophthalmology Hospital Affiliated to Wenzhou Medical University

Zhang Duan, deputy director of the Department of Physical and Health Arts, Shandong Provincial Department of Education

  "Take care of your eyes, bright future" is the hope of many teachers and parents.

At present, students in many places have been studying at home for a period of time, and will soon usher in a longer summer life.

How to protect your eyes scientifically after a long online class?

  Relevant data show that in 2019, the overall myopia rate among children and adolescents nationwide was 50.2%, a decrease of 3.4 percentage points from 53.6% in 2018.

Affected by the new crown pneumonia epidemic, the overall myopia rate of children and adolescents nationwide in 2020 was 52.7%, an increase of 2.5 percentage points from 2019.

Recently, the Ministry of Education issued the "2022 National Key Work Plan for Comprehensive Prevention and Control of Myopia in Children and Adolescents" to further enhance social awareness of myopia prevention and control.

How to give children a "bright" future?

We invite relevant experts to give answers.

Combining work and rest: learning at home is not "staying" at home

Reporter: I study at home and spend a lot of time indoors.

What do we need to focus on in this process?

Ni Hailong:

The serious lack of time for outdoor activities and the heavy burden of using the eyes at close range indoors are the two main reasons for the high incidence and younger age of myopia in children and adolescents.

Protecting eyesight is like protecting physical health. Always pay attention to the combination of work and rest.

Because outdoor activities can bathe in the sun and look into the distance, it is very beneficial to protect eyesight and prevent myopia.

Students should actively participate in these sports that can be done anytime, anywhere, such as walking, running, cycling, etc.

  During home study, as long as children have the opportunity to be exposed to the sun and look into the distance, they can still protect their eyesight and prevent myopia.

During the day, you should often go to the windowsill, on the balcony, on the terrace or in the courtyard of the community to get in touch with the sun, walk more, exercise more muscles and bones, and look up into the distance more often.

Indoors, resting without exposure to sunlight and looking into the distance will not play a role in preventing and controlling myopia.

If there is an online class at home, there is still a "break"; if you read and write freely, you should pause for a while every 20-30 minutes, get up and move around, go to a sunny place, and look into the distance.

  Parents are the guardians of children and adolescents' vision health.

Imitation is a child's nature and a way of learning.

The words and deeds of parents affect their children all the time.

Parents should lead by example, take the lead not to be "head-downers", and not to use mobile phones excessively in front of their children.

  At present, most parents have attached great importance to and strictly controlled the time their children use electronic products, but have not properly monitored their children's reading and writing posture and time.

Parents should supervise and guide their children to develop good writing and reading postures to improve their learning efficiency; they should take their children out for walks more, and accompany their children to learn and grow more, and children should not be allowed to stay at home alone and silently for a long time.

Scientific prevention and control: family is the first line of defense for myopia prevention and control

Reporter: "Parents' participation has effectively promoted the efficient advancement of myopia prevention and control work and the achievement of expected goals." In the process of home learning, what aspects of cooperation and supervision should parents do?

Sun Wei:

The family is the first line of defense in the prevention and control of myopia, and parents are the "gatekeepers" of children and adolescents' vision health. Therefore, in the prevention and control of myopia in children and adolescents, parents should pay attention to the following aspects:

  Strengthen supervision and guidance to avoid bad eye use.

When studying at home, parents should supervise and correct their children's poor reading and writing posture, and achieve "one foot, one punch, one inch", that is, the eyes are one foot away from the book, the chest is one punch away from the desk, and the fingers holding the pen are close to each other. The pen tip is one inch away.

At the same time, avoid children reading and writing while walking, eating, or in the shaking carriage.

  Control eye time and increase outdoor activities.

Ensure two hours of outdoor activities every day, bathe in the sun to prevent myopia.

At the same time, supervise and control the child's eye use time. When using the eyes for more than 30 minutes at close range for a long time, remind the child to rest for 5-10 minutes.

  Pay attention to the reading and writing environment, and pay attention to light adjustment.

Prepare tables, chairs and benches suitable for your child's height, and pay attention to the lighting conditions in the home.

When the light is insufficient during the day, turn on the lights in time to fill in the light.

When studying at night, use the desk lamp and the room ceiling lamp at the same time. The desk lamp should be placed in front of the desk, and the surface light source should be slightly lower than the eye level to avoid direct light.

  Reasonable planning and study, strict control of electronic products.

Reasonable arrangements for children's online class time, choose suitable electronic screens for children, use electronic products should follow the "20-20-20" formula, that is, after looking at the screen for 20 minutes, look at objects 20 feet (6 meters away) away and keep 20 seconds or more.

During the non-essential study period, the use of electronic products should not exceed 15 minutes each time, and the cumulative time per day should not exceed 1 hour.

  Eat a balanced diet and get enough sleep.

In terms of sleep time, it should be ensured that primary school students get enough sleep for 10 hours, junior high school students 9 hours, and high school students 8 hours to help children develop good work and rest habits.

At the same time, prevent children from overeating, strictly control the intake of sweets, and ensure that children have a balanced and comprehensive diet.

Appropriate for movement and stillness: exercise at home should also achieve the effect of "sweating"

Reporter: Studying at home, moderate exercise helps to protect the eyes, what aspects should be paid attention to in physical exercise?

Ji Liu:

How to ensure the quality of home study and prevent myopia?

Exercise at home is an important means.

The biggest difference between home exercise and school physical education classes and extracurricular activities is that there is no on-site guidance and protection from physical education teachers. Therefore, scientific methods are needed to avoid injury and achieve the effect of exercise.

  What to do at home exercise?

Students of different age groups need different motor skills and motor skills, so the content of home exercise should also be different.

Children aged 2-7 are still in the development stage of basic motor skills. Basic movements such as walking, running, jumping, climbing, climbing, throwing, and throwing have not yet developed. Various interesting game activities should be used to attract children to participate. Children's attention is diverted from electronic products such as TV sets and mobile phones.

7-10 years old is the handover stage of children's basic motor skills and special sports skills. At this time, they can gradually begin to develop special sports skills such as basketball, football, and volleyball.

If the venue is not enough for home exercise, you can use the venue in the community to practice some basic movements.

  Unloaded home exercise is inefficient, and overloaded home exercise faces various risks.

Exercise load should follow the FITT principle, namely frequency, intensity, time, and exercise type.

Generally speaking, three to five times a week, 30 to 60 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each time is appropriate, and the type of exercise should involve the participation of large muscle groups.

What is moderate-intensity exercise?

That is, the heart rate should reach 140-160 beats/min, which is the most suitable heart rate range during exercise.

In layman's terms, it is necessary to sweat, and exercise at home should also achieve the effect of "sweating".

  Have a suitable exercise program.

During the period of being at home, how should we arrange exercise reasonably and simply according to local conditions?

Each family is different, and the plan can be different. Generally speaking, physical exercise should be the main focus.

Here's a simple plan: don't sit down for more than 60 minutes each time, no matter what you do, as long as you sit down for 40 to 50 minutes, and children for 30 minutes, you must stand up for 3 to 5 minutes of exercise. Parents should prompt supervision.

In addition, do moderate-to-high-intensity exercise for more than 10 minutes each morning and afternoon. It is recommended to perform aerobic activities (such as aerobics, online video classes, etc.), as well as strength exercises, such as push-ups, sit-ups, and planks. , dumbbell weights, etc., arrange 3-5 sets of repetitions each time.

Early prevention: Keep an eye out for changes in your child's vision and signs of abnormal vision

Reporter: As a parent of a young child or a primary and secondary school student, how do you consciously pay attention to your child's vision changes at home?

How to detect problems as early as possible and take timely interventions?

Xu Meiping:

Usually, parents should pay close attention to their children's vision changes and signs of abnormal vision, and find out whether their children are short-sighted as soon as possible.

You can start from the following aspects:

  Parents should establish awareness of myopia prevention and control, and do a good job of prevention from an early age.

At the age of 2, you can take your child to a medical and health institution for refractive screening to understand the refractive status of the child's eyeball, monitor the hyperopia reserve, and early detect risk factors such as hyperopia, myopia, astigmatism, anisometropia, insufficient hyperopia reserve, and amblyopia. .

  Usually consciously pay attention to the child's behavior habits and eye performance.

For example, if a child habitually squints, rubs his eyes, likes to see objects at close range, or tilts his head to see things with abnormal vision, parents need to pay special attention and take the child to a medical institution to check the vision and diopter in time.

  You should communicate with your child more often, and ask about the changes in your child's vision and the clarity of what he sees.

You can also learn about the child's eye habits and behavior from the communication with the school teacher.

At home, it is necessary to pay attention to the child's learning time, reading habits, reading and writing posture and other eye-use behaviors. You can also use the eye chart to measure the child's vision from time to time to observe and understand the dynamic changes of the child's vision.

  For pre-school or school-age children, it is recommended to perform vision screening 2-4 times a year. Parents should pay attention to the results of the vision test, including uncorrected visual acuity and diopter data.

At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to whether the child has high hyperopia, astigmatism, hyperopia reserve, etc., because if high hyperopia and astigmatism are not corrected by wearing glasses in time, it may cause amblyopia.

  Take the child to a professional medical institution for examination, and pay attention to the corneal curvature and axial length.

If the child's corneal curvature is relatively flat, even if there is no myopia, the eye axis may be longer than that of ordinary children.

In this case, parents should pay more attention to the protection of their children's vision before myopia. They must measure the eye axis twice a year and pay attention to the changes in the length of the eye axis.

The main influencing factor of fundus changes in high myopia is the axial length.

Forming a joint force: scientific conservation and education, collaborative guarantee

Reporter: What suggestions do you have on strengthening home-school linkages, forming synergies, jointly protecting children and adolescents' vision health, and promoting children and adolescents' vision health management?

Zhang Duan:

Schools and families are important positions for the prevention and control of myopia in children and adolescents.

In the "Implementation Plan for Comprehensive Prevention and Control of Myopia in Children and Adolescents", for home-school linkage, it is mentioned to reduce the burden on students, improve the visual environment, strengthen physical exercise, and reduce the use of electronic products.

In my opinion, the following points need to be done to ensure the eye health of children and adolescents through joint efforts at home and school:

  Implement the "double reduction" policy.

"Double reduction" requires the joint efforts of schools and families to effectively reduce the workload of students on and off campus.

Schools must plan courses and homework reasonably, and parents must reasonably arrange time for after-school tutoring and interest development, so that the "double reduction" can be truly implemented.

  Improve the visual environment.

Families should try their best to provide a good home visual environment for their children.

Schools should refer to the requirements of the "Guidelines for Appropriate Technology for the Prevention and Control of Myopia in Children and Adolescents", equipped with standard lighting equipment and adjustable desks and chairs in hardware, and speed up the elimination of "large class sizes" in software, and adjust student seats every month. Individually adjust the height of student desks and chairs each semester.

  Strengthen outdoor physical exercise.

It is necessary to ensure that students do physical exercise for 1 hour each day on and off campus, and at the same time strictly implement the national standard of physical education and health classes, so that students can combine work and rest.

  Beware of younger age myopia.

Parents should realize that 0-6 years old is a critical period for children's visual development, and should pay special attention to the protection of children's early vision, cultivate children's correct behavior habits, and early detection and early prevention.

Kindergartens should advocate scientific care and education, strictly implement the learning and development guidelines for children aged 3-6, and strictly prohibit "primary-like" teaching.

Through home-school cooperation, the prevention and control of myopia can be moved forward to achieve early monitoring, early detection, early warning, and early intervention.

(Reporter Jin Xiaoyan of this newspaper)