On the cusp of a convulsive electoral year, with a worrying macroeconomic scenario ahead and an unflattering parliamentary situation, the weakened coalition government chaired by

Pedro Sánchez

will have to face its greatest challenge this autumn so that our country can continue to receive the European Recovery Funds: The

Second Pension Reform


As we published this Sunday in

Actualidad Económica

, the accounts are far from square and the system must be reinforced.

ma with 20,000 million euros -1.6% of GDP- to make it sustainable.

The Governor of

Bank of Spain

He already took it in writing to Congress on June 1, when he appeared before the Economic Affairs Commission.

And all the Labor Minister did was respond by discrediting her recommendations.

Yolanda Díaz accused

Pablo Hernandez de Kos

of elaborating speeches "with an ideological bias" and taking part "for political options" in relation to the public pension system.

When the supervisor fulfills its essential function of advising the Government and ensuring the proper functioning and stability of the financial system as a whole.

The populist measure to which the Government resorts every time elections are approaching, revaluing pensions at the same rate as the CPI, seriously worries the European Commission and international organizations such as the OECD, who fear the failure of the model if it continues to be applied this criterion, especially after the repeal of the sustainability factor approved by the PP.

In Brussels they closely monitor Moncloa so that it adopts measures that can compensate for the increase in spending.

In 2021 alone, the increase in pensions in year-on-year terms was 5.4% -8,000 million more than in 2020-, an astronomical amount that grows every year as a result of the escalating inflation suffered by Spain -structural, not conjunctural as the government wants us to believe.

In order to guarantee the viability of the system, extraordinary income is required, in addition to profound measures that correct the

public deficit

and balance the accounts.

Last year, the deficit was reduced by 3.3 points (6.76%), but the forecast is that it will not fall below 5% (5.3%) in 2022. And the problem is that the

public spending

does not stop increasing.

Sánchez continues to spend profusely in an attempt that is proving increasingly sterile to capture votes, burdening the State's fiscal balance with

expansionist plans

electoral, such as the rise in the salaries of officials, whose spending increased by 4.9% in 2021 (6,909 million more).

In these pages we have been insisting on the need to

a great state pact

to reform the public pension system from the ground up, not through patchwork.

The confrontation that reigns today between the two partners of the government coalition and the blockage in the social dialogue are burdens to carry out a regulatory framework that guarantees the stability of such a delicate issue for the Spanish as is the future of the public pension system.

The vice-president of the European Commission has already warned

Schina's Margaritis

, when he maintained that the support of all the actors is urgently needed so that the dialogue triumphs and the legislative changes are lasting.

And, beware, the community mana is in danger.

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