It's hot.

It's a fact, and unless you live in Brittany, you have to adapt.

For that, we no longer count the advice: drink water (but be careful, not too much), avoid too much exposure to the sun, use a fan (but not all night on the face!)…

Know that freshness also depends on what you put on your plate.

Obviously, dishes that are too rich are to be avoided.

But beyond what to avoid, there are a whole host of foods that will perform their role as a natural moisturizer wonderfully.

It's a change from water, it tastes good and, in addition, it will give you your vitamin ration for the day.

Of course, we are talking about fruits and vegetables.

It's good, it's fresh, and it's good for your health.

It would therefore be wrong to deprive ourselves of it.


Heat wave: Why air conditioners make global warming worse


How are cities preparing to deal with repeated heat waves?

  • Health

  • Heat wave

  • Heat

  • Kitchen

  • Fruits and vegetables