You can get lost in the three pines, or you can get lost in the reasons for the rapid rise in oil prices.

With US President Joe Biden, both seem to have happened at the same time.

More recently, the position of the American leader was absolutely unequivocal: Russia is to blame for everything.

Here, for example, is what Biden said at a California reception honoring the ruling Democratic National Committee:

“What I want to get across is that this is really consistent.

And the offal, I said at the time, when we decided that we would help Ukraine, what I wanted to convey: it will also cost us.

It will cost Western countries, it will cost NATO.

It will cost European countries and us.

Because you know what was going to happen: gasoline prices, oil prices were going to go up.

Food prices should have gone up."

But now something amazing has happened.

The President of the United States acknowledged that, it turns out, the perpetrators of the "rising prices for gasoline, oil and food" are present within the United States itself.

According to Reuters, Joe Biden sent an angry message to top U.S. oil and gas executives: “The lack of refining capacity and the unprecedented refining profits it brings undermine the impact of my administration's historic action to combat ... rising prices.

They also raise prices for consumers.”

As we can see, in some ways Biden did not change his "fundamental principles."

From the US president's point of view, his administration is still doing "great deeds of historic proportions."

But some spiteful critics put sticks in her wheels and thus nullify the effect of these "great and glorious deeds."

Nevertheless, progress is being made.

Biden acknowledged that America's (and the rest of the world's) problems are not only to blame for "America's worst enemies,"

but also very influential forces within America itself.

I really hope that the President of the United States will not stop at this conclusion, but will continue to search for those responsible.

I can even recommend to the American leader an elementary but surprisingly effective way to find the most important of these culprits: just look in the mirror.

Are there zero chances of Biden taking my advice?


But some members of his administration - the very one that makes "historic actions" - something is already beginning to reach.

that Biden will heed my advice are zero?


But some members of his administration - the very one that makes "historic actions" - something is already beginning to reach.

that Biden will heed my advice are zero?


But some members of his administration - the very one that makes "historic actions" - something is already beginning to reach.

Speaking at a congressional hearing, U.S. Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo said U.S. sanctions against Russia could become "redundant."

Oh, how I love that special "language" in which high-ranking bureaucrats of all countries of the world speak!

How much hidden drama, hidden meanings, subtle nuances and meaningful hints!

Take, for example, this very wording - US sanctions against Russia can become “excessive”.

What did Wally Adeyemo really mean?

It is clear that: US sanctions against Russia can become (correction: have already become) harmful to the US itself.

But such a seditious thought cannot be expressed aloud.

This violates all conceivable and unthinkable laws of political correctness.

That is why the word "excessive" was extracted from the dictionary.

Like, we are going in the absolutely right direction, but we are overdoing it a little!

We need to put a collar on our own enthusiasm, and then everything will be tip-top again!

After all, even dietary and vegan hamburgers (I don’t know, however, whether such a miracle of cooking exists in nature) can overeat if you get too carried away by eating them.

And now I will speak as a person who, in principle, cannot stand hamburgers - even dietary and vegan ones.

It may very well be that Biden's reproaches against American oil and gas companies are absolutely justified.

After all, to reproach a capitalist for wanting to extract the maximum profit from his activity is to reproach him for being a capitalist.

But the “root of the problem” still grows from a different place.

The Biden administration has been so caught up in "historic decisions" that it has overlooked the obvious: cutting a country like Russia out of the world economy is not an easy task.

Of course, not only Biden is to blame for such a "mistake" and not even only Obama with his famous statement about "the Russian economy torn to shreds."

Responsibility for what is happening in the world now lies with the entire American political elite - both current and past, and even the year before.

How many times in recent decades have I heard from the mouths of various American experts (or "experts" - there is a difference, you see): Russia is already a "reclaimed global player."

"Player and rival of the future" is only China!

Consciousness determines being (I apologize to Karl Marx).

Having built its policy on the “winning player theory”, America naturally got what it got now.

And the fact that she does not like the new reality is very good.

There is an incentive to create an even newer reality, built on less shaky foundations and less charlatan political theories.

It is not a fact, of course, that Biden himself will be such a “builder”.

Too organically, he "gets confused in the testimony."

But some of his successors will definitely have to take seriously the correction of the mistakes of their predecessors.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editors.